This is moot now but…
Where in my post did I defend Blizzards extremely misguided decision of letting twinks queue into BGs with experience earning toons?
My concern was the complete removal of the ability to toggle off/on experience between level 110-120.
BG queues, with regards to twinks and experience earning toons, should never have been lumped together and should be reverted.
You are drawing arbitrary lines to defend your point of view, meanwhile other people are trying to think of solutions that do not throw anyone under the blizbus.
19-39 are broken right now people having unobtainable gear and it is almost impossible be competitive 70-110 is the only bracket where everyone is on an equal playing field. the issue isnt 110 pvp it is people selling carries and using them to skip blizzards content.
the 110 bracket is its own bracket if you dont like it dont queue for bgs for one level if not id be happy to have levelers cap flags while i kill other twinks
i would rather have twinks put in a seperate bracket than killed off altogether
maybe making it so people with xpoff cant queue with people who have xp on island expeditions is a better answer to this
rather than kicking us who have spent millions of gold and hours f opur time straight in the nuts
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posting on twink for future posts~
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I will agree that twinks, for instanced pvp, should probably still be in their own queue. They do lessen the gameplay experience for others in that content.
In Dungeons and Islands they do not make anyone’s day worse, queuing into a twink dungeon or island is not going to make you regret being born.
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Since no one is willing to come to terms with the idea that the masses shouldn’t be subjugated to the few I am merely producing middle of the road ideas that would meet everyone’s idea of what is fair. Putting my opinion in as it is my own is all I can do since I represent only myself.
They keep twinks relative I will twink, they remove the option to twink I wont lose sleep over it.
in almost every bracket you can buy the pvp gear from previous expansions and wreck levelers…i can show you screen caps of me going 12 an 0 in the presence of twinks~
please just do this, and let us solo queue islands.
I have not done much twinking since Wrath, you will have to excuse me for not being very up to date on instanced twink pvp.
What I really want to see is them just make BFA content more fun on 120s than it currently is on 110s.
Making it worse on 110s does not make the 120 experience any better.
Thankfully, they’re rethinking this. So hold your horses twinks!
There It is. I agree with you completely.
Say hello crap scaling system lol… *great game when you feel weaker as you level higher…
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Not to come off snide, because I mean this in all seriousness, but the better way to approach the issue is to fix the leveling experience. A new character has a 120 levels to go through, and even with your XP changes in 8.1 its like riding a roller coaster, some times its faster to quest, sometimes dungeon run, after 110 do IEs. Of course people are going to take the shortest path, you yourself offer boosts which encourages this behavior, or do you only encourage it if you make extra money off of it… You need to fix the real problem (leveling in general), not a small “solution” to it…
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You have to get weaker as you level, the problem is the things you fight get stronger at the same time so it feels… wrong.
If I am leveling in a 50-54 zone and then go back to a 30-35 zone, I expect those mobs to be moving out of the way as I walk through. Instead they zerg rush me and make me feel insignificant.
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this is what you get for the glorify “scaling” system and the WORST stat squish you have ever done in 14 years…
twinks are destroying leveling people in all brackets, even if you wanted to bg for a break of your repetitive content of: questing, dungeons, questing, questing, questing, questing, dungeon, questing…etc etc. You can’t there’s always 1-2 twinks at any hour nowdays… it’s a infestation of twinks due to how incredible powerful they are in the game, they are on the top of 120’s if you want to do certain stuff.
you can already see on the 21-29 bracket, twinks with honor 100+ level and farming easy and quick honor, things only get worse as you increase in level since you gain access to huge boosts such as raid gear/weapons and sockets.
The 110 bracket has to be one of the second worst along with 111-119 due to the ridiculous gear gaps in between.
Just put twinks back on their pvp queue to begin with and second stop making players weaker as they level, this is like going backwards not forward.
Last but not less important, you made islands expeditions with a loot pool of 350+ items and went silent on how the loot work as if it was a secret discord finding like the hivemind… how wrong was this, how wrong is still the isles system because the dubloons are still RNG and the drop rate is still based on slot machine gameplay… of course everyone will try to twink at 110-111 they can farm 1000% quicker than at 120 with 320-350.
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Then get off your 110 twink kick and go do 120 stuff you are actually geared to do. Simple. Let those who actually want to do Legion content (even if they took access to BFA armor away) to do their thing. Go do Island Expeditions for all your tmog needs all day long on anything over 111.
Devs: slurps loudly in paidboost
Trust us, it is good for the game.
Why exactly do you feel like it is better for another group of players to lose what they enjoy just so you can keep what you enjoy?
You should be trying to think of a way that preserves the things both sides enjoy, instead you are just being selfish about it.
If we are going to play that game, how about we make it so that level 110s gain 10x experience while running legion content with no way to turn exp off, and at the same time we will let level 111s turn experience off.
No? Right, because that is a bad idea that only helps one side.
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the majority of relevant content that most new players want to experience is at 120.
some people like me are tired of leveling toons just for the heritage armor.
i have been leveling alts since tbc and i wouldnt mind paying someone gold to help me level…on top of the rep grind for allied races and the grind to get heritage armor… simply put i played wqs i must have enjoyed them. i leveled up i must enjoy old content. …nah i just spent a couple weeks chasing a carrot on a stick.
so i really dont think someone buying an ie carry is an issue BUT!
if blizzard really has an issue id preffer they seperated twinks from normies rather than wasting peoples time and effort.
the scaling isnt an issue at 120 im 380 ilvl and i blow up trash mobs while doing world quests. i actually enjoy the scaling because if it wasnt in place i would be 1 shotting mobs with my auto attack.