Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

Thank you. Have a nice evening too.

It would seem you do not like what I said to you even though you said the same thing to me.

If I get thrown under the bus I hope you come with me.

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I hope ya’ll do find a better way. I am a completionist and have a lot of alts. I currently have xp turned off on those at 110 still doing Legion content so they won’t outlevel the Legion zones in order to get all the quests done, see all the areas, and do all the dungeons/instances.

I did not turn off xp on one character and with the zone scaling in effect, I had to take him to BfA areas before I really wanted to or he would have been starting BfA at a much higher level than 110. He still hasn’t completed everything in Legion areas yet and I don’t want that to happen with all my characters.


I support this message. Please put everyone on as equal footing as possible. I greatly enjoyed the casual feel of legion battlegrounds. It was leveler friendly and rewarded devoted gear hunters with an advantage that didn’t break the game. Just an fyi I am sitting on 5 119’s atm with a few more on the way, alliance and horde side. Just waiting for Timewalking to come back so I can get them as close to ilvl 300 as possible. My only regret is I missed out on the the 343 weapons from the dragons. Lucky for those who got them. Not sure when another event will come to pass that will allow access to such item levels below 120.

Again I support this message and hope the xp changes go through. Having to twink to compete is tiresome.

Tallieshill will shill for blizzard as per the usual

Couldn’t a 120 toon power-level toons just like a 110 though?.. Maybe I just don’t see what makes a 110 so special or bad about power-leveling other toons.

What am I missing here?

Are you saying you would like to see them just nerf exp from islands or that you want twinking disabled for 110-119?

Making it so you can’t twink would be kind of unfair to people who invested time making them, and to the people who are not twinking you do not have to deal with the twinks anymore once you hit 120.

It’s the legendaries and secondary stat scaling. A 110 with 240 ilvl is basically a god!

The classes/specs that can power level at 120 are much more limited and require high amounts of gear, on top of that it is just straight up more fun to play 110s right now.

If they were to make running islands at 120 as rewarding and fun as it is on my 110s then I would just level them all to 120. Making my 110s worse is just going to make me not play them anymore.

i am very disapointed.
i enjoy my 110 twink very much.

not true im 110 ilvl 258 and i cant solo islands … its only certain classes that can do it

How about you leave power leveling alone and focus on more important things? Your servers are lagging hard, classes aren’t fun and unbalanced, itemization (azerite) sucks, bugs all over the place. Focus on real problems please instead of fixing what isn’t broken.

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The almighty /time played metric will be served! Bow you dogs! Bow!

How many more bass-ackwards decisions by devs need to be made before we can all jump ship without the blizzard-fan forum-knight mouth breathers yelling at us?

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Even though they said they were going to hold off until they think about it more doesn’t really mean the solution they do come up with will be that great either. Wished they would focus on bigger issues rather than trying to make a issue out of a non-issue.


It is true that not every class/spec can do it at 110, but it is also true that there are more that can do it at 110 than at 120.

im 380 on my 120 dh i can pull almost the entire island on normal no different than a twink

aside from the point many of us 110 twinks have spent millions of gold gearing our characters and this is a kick in in the nuts


I would like to beable to pvp on alts without having to grind hours upon hours to make them relevant. I do enough of that on my 6 120’s and would like a break from the gear dominated battle grounds. If reducing the ammount of twinks or preventing twinking in general is what it takes I feel it would greatly improve the experience in battlegrounds for the masses. A few angry twinks at 119 may be upset but the 19-39 brackets are where it’s at if you truelly wish to twink for competition. Not to mention getting one of each class to 19-39 and geared takes next to no time at all.

I am one of those players that feels you shouldn’t be punished for being a casual nor for being an elitist. That’s probably why I enjoyed the bg system is legion so much.

You have a lot more gear than most people currently, maybe when 8.1 is fully rolled out and we get higher item levels gifted to us then every class and spec will be able to smash islands like a 110 twink.

If that is how it goes, then fine. I would have no issues with that, we both know that is not going to happen though.