Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

I imagine the percentage of players that actually turn off exp is extraordinarily low, I’d bet the overwhelming majority of players don’t even know there is an option to do it. Seems a bit strange to make this a priority at the moment.


A lot of people here seem happy to feed the ‘110 island twink trolls’ to the sharks so they can keep their exp-off legion content twinks.

Why can’t we just let both groups of people keep what they like doing?


Just throw people with xp turned off into their own queue for islands, bgs, dungeons etc.

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For islands and dungeons you could also allow them a ‘solo queue’ option just so they do not need to sit in 24 hour long queues.

I’m not sure what people are complaining about with this. I leveled my shaman and DH from 110 to 120 in BGs, I was completely under geared because the drop rate for pvp is abysmal, and I did awesome.

Blizzard is just making an issue out of a non-issue.


Funny how you say that with Heart of Azeroth neck equipped!

Couldn’t you do something more useful in the game than worry about a small percentage of players who are probably power levelling their umpteenth alt? Like, IDK, just a thought - giving Huolon a bloody protection buff.



Is it degrading to have to come into work every day and get your marching orders to walk out and present the umpteenth unreasonable and embarrassing announcement?

The fact that even one developer (and sounds like it’s more than one!) is spending time discussing this this week is blood-boilingly frustrating. You folks just put out a non-update. Entire classes are still busted. Warfronts are still bland and boring. Azerite is still terrible.

Please. Do. Something. That. Matters.


You know you can do old content at 120, right? Why do you need to stay at 110 to do the old stories?

Not everyone finds their fun playing the same way.


People whine that we level too slow and now they are whining because we are leveling too fast. Seriously, Blizzard you just can’t win with this issue…

If this were a freeware game coded by two people in a basement on their off hours, perhaps that would be accurate. But the people here are the paying customers of a major software company, and this actually does entitle people to air their grievances.

People like you are the ones who normalize anti-consumer business practices. “Who cares if it’s buggy and broken, you’re just entitled brats!”


Once classic hits we won’t have the issue of people whinging that it is too slow, they will be all over there.

Besides, the issue is not too slow or too fast, it’s the issue of removing options.

It all started in 7.3.5


Its amazing how Blizzard do everything to annoy people with whatever they come p with to enoy themselves. SO what they are leveling “too fast”, its their gametime, let them do whatever they want with it, I dont remember “you cant level too fast” being in the rules of the game. Seriously, cant wait for Taliesen video about this :smiley:


I think this change is a bad idea - a lot of players are enjoying the 110-119 bracket and as paying subscribers should have the option of stopping xp for the variety of reasons others have already mentioned. Making this change will lose you some of your customer base; I am now seriously considering ending my subscription. Please find an alternative solution to the concern about scaling/OP issues.


I use my 110’s not for Island expeditions but for Heroic legion dungeons and to preserve the extra run speed they have for old content. As far as I am concerned the BEST solution for me would be make Island Expeditions 111+ and XP off unavailable for 111-115


You know, if the problem is that quite a few players are willing to pay for a faster leveling process that exploits this XP lock, then maybe the real problem is that this expac is boring. Maybe being out in the world of this expac feels grindy and pointless and stale.

Maybe, Blizzard, an awful lot of people are seeing through your slow-down gimmicks and threadbare content. Lots are leaving but some who are still here are looking for ways to get around your bad game design.

But hey, smart of you to hotfix this until you can figure out how to monetize skipping your own content.


While it may be, yes, I have seen worse rudeness over time in these forums. I was mild.

I do have the chest and Heart of Azeroth equipped, but if you go into the achievement of just THIS toon (which is most of my XP-stopped toon’s progress), I never pursued anything beyond that. Yes, it was easy to get an armor upgrade and kill Legion content easier that way. If you notice as well, I also have pre-BFA armor equipped that was made available during the dailies leading up to BFA. Yes, this helped too. Thus, I understand the 110 “twinking”.

But having experienced past “twinking” prior to Cata (I rarely saw use for it up until Heart of Azeroth and the chest piece from BFA starter scenario), there was always a limit to what one was able to acquire and equip back then, and that is the mindset I kept and respected. Other people, not so much, obviously.

While I do understand the game needs to progress, punishing players not wanting to be on top of the newest and greatest ideas and releases Blizzard comes out with is not valuing subscriptions.

As mentioned, I am of a small percentage of players working through Legion content to gain class mounts. Had dungeon requirements not been necessary to achieve that goal, I would have kept XP on. But since there is still that requirement, I kept XP off on all but my main (Sunlight-Prot Pally) in order to achieve that one goal while I have been helping to take care of my Dad.

Again. This feels incredibly unfair!


That does not mean you should be demonizing the people who are turning exp off for a reason that differs from yours.

“As mentioned, I am of a small percentage of players working through Legion content to gain class mounts.”

Probably an even smaller percentage than the percentage of 110 twinks doing islands.

If we are going to do what a lot of people on here want and throw the smallest number under the bus, well, you would be the one that should go under it.