Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

Please don’t let this fix go live.

I’ve made this character specifically for PvPing in the 111-119 bracket. I want to be competative in PvP but I’m not interested in organized PvP(Rated BGs/Arena) or Mythic raiding. So PvPing at max level I would always either feel considerably outgeared or forced to do things I’m not that interested in to stay competative. Twinking in a lower bracket, specifically the 111-119 bracket has allowed me to essentially gear my character once and done so I can do what I enjoy…random BGs, while still allowing me to go back and run most non max level world content . This is my end game. Please don’t take it away.



y the time you hit say 116 the mobs are out scale your character in full BOA’s

There are no 110-120 BOA’s

Well schit. I’m glad they took to fixing something. Now, if it was just something relevant. Of all the things they “fix,” they fix something that has fock all to do with any of the schit bugs, horrible content, or any of the various issues. I’m suprised that window licker lore hasn’t had a hand in this.


they were probably using 110 BoAs for 110-120 and wondering why they were not doing any damage. lul.

You think you want to have fun, but you don’t.

Maybe they’re disabling leveling because the new content is boring and they want to stay in Legion to continue to experience good content?

But instead of making good games, you focus on maximizing the /played metric in your never-ending, bar-filling, grind-fest.

January 9th can’t come quick enough.


The biggest problem I would have with this would be 110s who got 30+ levels on their necklace due to AP farming islands vs newer 110s who can’t ever get that high due to limited AP out there in the world.

I could make a 111 for island farming pets etc, but since this cat has been out of the bag for a while, it doesn’t make sense.

Also 111s can do IE just as fast as 110s. So it wouldn’t really address the issue.

Issue fix is probably to kill the XP on islands and increase them in dungeons.

The layered on GCD is responsible for that and, in a very big way. Everything they have done since WoD has deteriorated the quality of the game but so far the biggest and worst change was patch 7.35.

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As opposed to other expansions that were totally not grind fests?

Or make it so exp-off players can queue either solo or with other exp-off players but not with exp-on players.

respectfully, you guys and your game are a mess.


They wouldn’t die. I get more 120s in my IEs than those 110-119. 120s want the weekly AP for catching up. If they didn’t have weekly AP quest, yeah IEs would be dead except for farmers for tmog/pets/mounts.

And farming for pets, mog, and mounts is so unbearably RNG that it is not even worth it unless you can just blast it on a twink.

Yes. It has been missed. They should probably edit the OP to reflect that they have rethought the decision instead of that statement being buried many posts later.


Wow. This seems completely unfair! I have several 110 alts with XP turned off because I wanted to experience the Legion Class Hall experiences on those alts I didn’t get to, get the Class Mounts I didn’t get to, even get some Legion profession stuff I didn’t get to GET in Legion (due to my Dad being terminally ill and being there for him…he is now in hospice care) before moving my alts on to BFA content. I am completely reacting to this news, as it feels incredibly unfair ! While I do have one 120 main, I see no reason to deactivate the ability to turn XP off on 110’s just because some trolling a-holes in WoW decided to push their characters through BFA content at a 110 XP hard-stop .

Blizzard needs to look into this further! YES! DISCUSS IT with deep consideration! And use their incredible logging abilities to target this limitation on accounts that are or have been doing BFA content at 110, rather than generalizing and punishing ALL players who stop their XP at 110 because they want those toons to have what Legion had to offer !

I am truly upset and outraged by this! You can try and troll me and tell me I’m SOL. But ultimately, I pay a monthly sub to play the game the way that fits MY lifestyle in MY time. I don’t have a problem with time-gating as I’m a rep-grinder, normally. But this is pushing way too far.


While some responses have missed the retraction, most are asking why this was a priority in the first place, which has yet to be answered.


God no. They tried that with BGs and it was total disaster. The twink queue was 6-14 hours long. Thankfully they stopped that nonsense in Legion. . . probably one of the few really great features added not removed.

That is a really rude way to address people that want to twink at 110 and do islands.

Ultimately, I pay a monthly sub to play the game the way that fits MY lifestyle in MY time. I don’t have a problem with exp-off characters running islands as I enjoy collecting transmog.

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I’d LOVE it if i could queue solo. OMG…I need more likes! I used them all up in this thread. Already when I queue with other 110s it is the most fun I usually have that week because we all have the same goal.

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Hence the ‘solo queue OR with other exp-off players’, you would still be able to run islands on your own as a twink this way.