Despite my previous snark, thank you. I feel like one of the core issues that seems to be causing friction with the community is a lack of actually thinking about how changes affect the players and how we would feel about it. While I understand the reasoning behind the proposed change I think it was a knee-jerk reaction to the problem of allowing legendaries to stick around past 110 (Don’t you dare change that, the ship has sailed there). Rather I’d consider more subtle scaling tricks that make the legendaries effects less overpowering without killing players that don’t have them.
Scaling sucks in this expansion. This is just another reason why they should abandon the idea. The devs in this game are just horrible. How do you change something then a short time later decide you need to think about it? why not think about it first?
People were doing this with dungeons in Legion and you never stopped that. Why do it now all of a sudden? I seriously think you guys overthink this stuff.
Sure, you can down vote it kid, but it doesn’t change how some of you are.
Ythisens, I am usually fairly neutral on a lot of things Blizz does and refrain from taking out poor dev decisions on the Blues, but this is a bad change. What does it matter if someone halts their progression and chooses to stay in old content? They’re still paying the same sub every month, and given the state of the game right now if someone continues to pay every month for outdated content, Blizz as a company should consider themselves lucky that person is staying at all.
Excellent. I’m not someone who would have been affected by the change, but I appreciate that Blizzard seems to be listening to feedback and adjusting the plan accordingly rather than alienating another portion of the player base.
Blizzard, please get your priorities straight.
You people are dense as all hell, really. It doesn’t take more than a minute to realize the amount of negatives changes like these make.
Don’t do this, only implement a change that affects the 110 power levelers, there are huge communities of 119 twinks, and I have 8 level 119 characters, it’s what a lot of people enjoy on WoW. you are going to upset so many people and us 119s are are not apart of the power leveling abuse.
Perhaps you could just disable xp gain for levels 110-115, then 116+ legendaries don’t work anyway and they are much less powerful
Here is what I want to know. When management types made decisions on what in the game was a PRIORITY to address how the heck did THIS make the top of the list. Someone is really having devs waste time trying to solve this problem?
You have a ton of folks who have left the game and a ton of folks who are still playing the game that are very unhappy with the state of things. And all those players would come back in a heartbeat if they felt that the dev team was at least trying to address their concerns. Instead we get stuff like this.
Ion needs to step in front of a mic and explain how the dev team is going to get back in touch with the players and make a game for the players. Otherwise, there is no reason to stay subbed anymore.
Hey Blizzard, I’m not ready to start BFA content, I have not finished the Legion content yet. I only bought BFA as I had just completed requirements to unlock the Nightborne race and wanted to try it out. Let me finish Legion and then start BFA on my own terms. Horrible decision Blizzard, shame on you.
-Sigh of relief-
Thanks, and please do. Taking a giant mallet to twinking is not the answer.
When you use the excuse of people “exploiting” to stop players from avoiding BfA and staying in other expansions. The absolute state of this game right now.
Whoever made the original decision should seriously have their authority reviewed… Worst “fix” I’ve ever seen approved since 2005, and just in time for Christmas! Think hard on a better “solution”… ought to take at least 12-13 seconds more than the first one.
Even if he step in front of a mic and address the issues you suggest, why would you believe him at this point?
If you guys are looking for productive things to do, how about fixing the bug that doesn’t let Lightforged or Void elves complete the world quest “Spell Components” because it makes them unable to attack the mob they need to get the loot for it.
Unless you think being able to finish that quest is not fun enough for me.
What are you thinking? Also, what about farming? Who the heck wants to keep getting weaker while trying to get that node. Leather farming to level that mess of a profession, i mean really, this is yet another sad decision.
So the rule breakers get the ENTIRE player base messed over?
Try thinking once in awhile, because this way, they cant game the system. Dont punish EVERYONE because of the grouped content power levelers. Turn XP ON when entering GROUPED content!
Problem solved!
In order to force players to play at max level content, you’re going to prevent players from getting to max level content faster.
On top of that, you’re disabling the very thing that allowed transmog-oriented players like myself from getting artifact and class hall sets because a lot of the steps involve random players in grouped content being exactly level 110 - like if I wanted to get Cordana Felsong under my belt via the dungeon finder (for the “beat eight dungeons requirement), I can only do so at 110. At level 109 and 111, the Vault of the Wardens is no longer an option.
Are you trying to out-stupid Bethesda before the year is up?