Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

Omg! So this is how they fix that specific issue?

A lot of people have twinks (myself included). They can be a lot of fun and add so so much to the game. Old content speed farms, gathering and etc.

By doing this they’ll destroy a very nice aspect of the gameplay, and the moment is also very very bad… (BFA isnt very famous for being fun, I heard…)

Why not just do something else to fix the problem, like some hotfix / change to Island Expeditions without destroying all the other possibilities?

Just make it so that players get some EXP gain penalty for completing the island if someone in the party is EXP blocked or something… Or maybe the largers the lvl difference, the less EXP players get.

Idk any other alternative, please.


Seriously? I use my 111 Druid to Farm island expeditions for Transmog / Mounts since its such a pain in the @#! at 120. As a mount collector way to slap us across the face. As if low drop rates weren’t bad enough. What a stupid hotfix.


Keep trying to justify the 110-120 leveling “experience”. Never mind all the feedback you’ve received on character power regression, etc.


You wish you had double digit IQ


Feels like being back at school where the teacher would punish the whole class for the actions of one or two people.

Guess I will not be enjoying any legion content with a 110 character for a long time, like many others.

what a grinch you are blizzard


I am glad this is top priority to fix a byproduct of something you made and not fixing the the source of the problem. This is BFA in a nutshell.


This behavior came about because people don’t enjoy your scaling system during the leveling content. You progressively get weaker as you level via losing secondary stats but the mobs get stronger because they are scaled up as if you were fully geared in gear of the appropriate level which you aren’t when leveling. So to enjoy the leveling content which really no longer matters because lol no new skills or talents people came up with this work around.

All this really is, is a band-aid fix to a larger problem that will most likely never be addressed which is a typical Activision move.


Oh, amazing Blizzard, now how I can play on Legion with someone who don’t have BFA? And how about fix the level up from 1 to 120 taking forever to finish? -.-
This expansion is horrible since the patch 7.3.5 launch.


I am curious to know why is the lvl 110 the problem here? Why not 100 or any other levels? What makes 110 so special that it has to be disabled?

Also why are we so worried about this right now when there are other matters and stuff in the game that we players have concerns about?


If exploiting is part of your playstyle you may want to consider changing things up.

Thank you for the clear post; I wish it could have been a matter of PTR and/or discussion, before the hammer started to fall.

This is not going to end well.


While I understand the logic, I have a suggestion…… instead of 110+ it should be 111+ and add a 111 level requirement to do IE.

End of xpac twinks have been a thing for a long time. 110s even have their own bracket. Just a different approach to the same problem


Death by 1000 cuts. Every day it just gets harder and harder to come up with any desire to play this game anymore :frowning:


Well there goes the multiple months worth of effort I put on this toon only to have fun in bgs and not powerlevel people…

Now I’m going to have 2 max level paladins… How redundant. Thanks blizzard

/sarcasm in case you soulless devs didn’t know.


Because it hurts blizzards optics when level 110-115 characters are more powerful, and more fun to play than at 120.


Unbelievable. People found a way to level characters that was quick and honestly, as someone who has a 111 warlock twink for islands, quite fun. Why is your solution to prevent this kind of play style rather than fix the issues that led to it being so prevalent?

Why are you putting so much effort into preventing players from doing anything that isn’t part of Blizzards “Correct way to play”?


Um, if you’re going to eliminate my 119 twink / pvp bracket & community with this change…I’m seriously done with this game. I have played and subscribed faithfully for over 14 years with multiple accounts. I will take my time, effort and money to another game if you do this. Please rethink this policy. Leave 119’s pvp bracket in the game.


What utter bosh. If people don’t want to see the content for the second, third, fifteenth time, why try to force them? More importantly, this changes NOTHING about leveling people via islands, except the amount of XP gained per mob and hence the number of islands that will need to be run. It’s not about “seeing the content”, it’s clearly about time played.

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This is a stupid solution.

For those that like to twink, it would seem to me like 110 would be one of the better places to keep a character frozen in place due to such a wide variety of legendaries.

And removing the option to do so also diminishes potential time played during lulls from players that might not have collected all of their legendaries during Legion and might have been interested to go back and collect them.

What really even goes on in Blizzard development meetings? Sorry to be honest, but there are some highly unqualified low thinkers (at least in terms of business) that end up calling shots.

There are plenty of better solutions, like not allowing players with xp turned off into the problem content (island expeditions and BfA dungeons?) unless they are only with other xp off.

It’s not rocket science.

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Um, if you’re going to eliminate my 119 twink / pvp bracket & community with this change…I’m seriously done with this game. I have played and subscribed faithfully for over 14 years with multiple accounts. I will take my time, effort and money to another game if you do this. Please rethink this policy. Leave 119’s pvp bracket in the game.