Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

I had fun gearing my 110 DH through M / H Antorus runs I STARTED AND LEAD. Hell I was doing my DPS and mechanics better at 110 than some leveling players to 120. This is utter garbage.


I think they noticed how many people are completely disinterested in BfA content and are locking XP and doing old content.

I’m sure they hate that for a variety of reasons not the least being it just makes everything worse for the existing BfA players when half the pop quits the game and another 25% only participates in sub-120 content. There is no way I believe this is being done just to curb some powerleveling as there are much more elegant and nuanced fixes to that specifically.


I haven’t used the XP lock much at all and I don’t care if they break power-leveling, but this is an awful change for the players that use it legitimately.

Hurting the game for many because of the actions of a few is not the way to go. Especially as there is an easy alternate solution that many have already mentioned:

Make Island Expeditions (and dungeons?) require 111 and turn off the XP lock for only 111+.

Legion was a great expac (imo) and there’s plenty of reasons to want to stay there, even for someone like me who is also enjoying BFA.


And as a result, plenty of folks are choosing not to play at all. Go figure.

I don’t think I’ve ever turned XP off, but I get why folks do and I have trouble understanding why The Powers That Be seemed determined to limit the ways that players can choose to play the game; especially if the end result is to keep people playing, and therefore paying for, the game.

Dear Blizzard,

If I wanted to play an action adventure game that has only one path to the end, I’d play that sort of game. What caused me to fall in love with World of Warcraft almost immediately when I started playing was the open world and the wide range of player choices. The more those choices dwindle, the less appealing this game is to me.


Me, a person who has never let my sub lapse, or even considered letting it lapse, since I started playing in 2010, but now find the thought crossing my mind more than somewhat occasionally.


Seriously? I have it turned off because I’d rather play as a 111 powerhouse than watch myself grow progressively weaker as I level. But hey, I guess now I can just not play my Horde toons at all.


I guess I’m confused… these continued bandaid fixes have already bitten the company in the past, and yet I can almost guarantee this particular bandaid fix will be forgotten about in the future.

The main thing I don’t get is that in the past four months, there’s been no effort to fix it, and now it turns into a “well we’re just gonna turn it off” motion. Why not address it correctly and fix it properly right now so you don’t give a nightmare to future coders?


I used all 50 likes just on this topic.


This feels super lazy. Was there even that many people using it? And if they were, who cares? Who cares if people level faster to get to the content the game is built around?

Turning off xp, trying to make classes work around a gcd change no one wants, buffing island mobs to do more damage, breaking the group finder even more, making us grind to re-earn our azerite traits.

So much in BfA that no one asked for, has not made the game more fun, and is just wasting Dev time.


Good job punishing the 99% for the 1%.

Seriously, between this and removal of auto-accept for LFG tool (which ruins fishing groups, garrison sharing, and other harmless activities just because addons could slightly speed up WQs), it’s like you literally don’t care what the use cases are for the features you destroy as long as they aren’t too mainstream.

Really, I like Blizzard a lot. I’m one of those infamous Blizzard defenders. However, it’d sure be nice if they stopped slicing the sides off their playerbase constantly because the players aren’t important enough to them to look into other ways of fixing their problems.


Why don’t you spend time in fixing the thousand of Druid bot’s farming everything and making the market crash.


Oh come on.

There goes my level 112 herbalist and miner. :disappointed:


OMG i figured out what they are doing it’s part of there master plan of going mobile.

  1. Drive a majority of the WOW players to stop playing
  2. Wait for the with drawl from WoW to …
  3. Announce a version of WoW on a mobile device with LOTS of Micro transactions

I am joking but the more and more i think about it and they even admitted they are putting a priority on Mobile gaming this might have a essence of truth to it.



After getting steamrolled a few times by twinks in randoms while leveling I dig it.


Are you kidding me? I turn off XP at every bracket to do everything I can in that expansion before moving on. I’m still working on legion stuff, doing this would force me out of the Heroics/LFRs for that expansion.

1 Like

If you refresh the page, you’ll see those likes disappear. It looks like they count but they don’t. Switch to an alt to continuing liking stuff. That’s what I just did. :slight_smile:


This is their philosophy for everything this expac. Better put so many limitations on the hivemind it’s practically worthless, because someone, somewhere, might get a bit of an advantage. Better make most rewards worthless, because we don’t want anyone feeling forced to do world quests. Better break this, stop that, prevent these things here, because a tiny fraction of the population might benefit or feel some incentive to do something. Butcher old content, nerf rewards, take out portals, keep the players where we want them, doing what we say they should want to do.

Blizzard isn’t designing a game for fun, they’re designing around a list of "thou shalt not"s.


Now, I don’t power level so this has no effect on me. But I think this is dumb. There are more pressing issues that should be addressed imo


I really dont get this whole BFA social experiment anymore

  1. The new main Horde city is terrible (really who signed off on this?)!

  2. The Alliance story is boring.

  3. Artifact power was not removed from the game (it actually got worse).

  4. Due to scaling you go from being overpowered to a wimp then grind back up to normal.

  5. People are still abusing the group finder to mine seams causing grief for those using the LFG for legitimate reasons.

  6. Fix the main Horde city (you should not have to take a flight path or use slow fall to get to professions). The Alliance city has a nice layout all profession grouped, bank at one end, inn in the middle and Islands and War-front at the other end.

  7. Add a proximity detector for L.F.G. and bring back Auto-accept, if they are not close enough to participate they can’t join. If it is a raid world quest have it auto-convert to a raid, it is a group have it auto-convert to a group. But main proximity to the world quest.

But instead of that you go after powerleveling - gee don’t look surprise when I am not happy.


Guessing that is code word for Chinese power levelers.