Disabling Crawling Insect Screen Effect

Has anyone found a way to disable the full-screen effect they have in some zones that obscures your vision with crawling insects?

And if not… wtf Blizzard? Why would you have something like this and not let us turn it off? lol


Because, it’s a expansion of spiders and it fits.

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I too would like not having insects crawl all over my screen. In prior times it was a lot less but when I saw that effect in WW it heavily added way too much noise.


Its not even spiders. Its bees and flies. So no, it doesn’t really fit with ‘the spider expansion’… but even if it did, that doesn’t justify it. I will never want ANYTHING to appear on the ‘front’ of my screen in this game. Its way too busy and gets in the way of enjoyment of the game. Same reason I turned off the drunkenness blur. That doesn’t make my experience better, it makes it 100 times worse.


I first saw it and was like, this can’t be a thing can it? I’m not sensitive to it, but for those that are it’s very annoying and probably not healthy.

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what is this your experiencing, I either didn’t have it happen to me, or it was such a minor thing i didn’t pay attention to it. Is it some sort of avoidable debuff maybe?

There’s a region in the new zones wheere when you’re in it, you intermittently get the visual of bees and flies and maggots flying and crawling in the foreground.

It makes it hard to see the game, it makees people with visual disorders dizzy, among other problems.

Its fine for it to be a thing that exists… but its not fine for it to not be an OPTIONAL thing that exists. Again: You can turn on arachnophobia mode if you don’t like spiders, you can turn off the visual effects of things like drunkenness and others… this needs to also be something people can disable.


Yeah, this is massively annoying.


There really should be a way to disable it. They implemented Arachnophobia Mode for people who need it. But there are side quests in that area and I know people who are terrified of bees and wasps who absolutely will get freaked out by it.


I am not a fan, the effect of things moving on my screen makes me dizzy and makes it hard to see. Even if it were something “nicer” like flower petals or fluffy bunnies it would be a problem.

Hopefully there’s some way to turn it off.


Agreed 100%. This is something they need to implement, and if it already exists, someone should tell us how lol

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Yeah this needs to go, or at the very least become a toggle. I have the drunken blur effect disabled shame this isn’t the same setting.


Yeah, I hate my vision being obstructed by stuff like this in games. My eyesight is bad enough.


Yeah, no. I have enough vision issues as it is. Not cool, Blizzard.


lol yes please! Damn thing makes me itch

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I understand your frustration but it’s not that big of a deal really. The bugs are part of a debuff that goes away if you just jump a few times.

You seem to be in the extreme minority here.

And its fine, I’m not asking they remove the effect entirely. If it doesn’t have a big impact on you, that’s fine - adding a toggle doesn’t mean you can’t have it.

I had to do the quest on my own because the person I was grouping with couldn’t tolerate it at all, so the effect clearly is bigger than you appreciate on some people. And when something is basically forcing people to not complete content, it needs to become a toggle.

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Hallowfal, Some places the insects swarm and spin around your screen for a few seconds…hate it as much as sporbits. GAWD I HATE SPOREBITZ . lol

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I think they made sporebits less annoying this week. No more respawns.

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In a perfect world, there should be a toggle. I always appreciate more options so I’m with you that there should be a toggle.

But the reality is developers, or the big money people above them, don’t care. So you end up in a world where it’s either A or B, bugs on screen or no bugs on screen. Hence why I said ‘not that big of a deal’ because the alternative, no bugs on screen, is just another step in less immersion for the wider audience.

For example; there’s a small group that can’t play in low light environments. So all the new zones look overly bright and now we have to use costly consumables to get back to a ‘normal’ dimlit cavern, which was the default years ago when I started playing WoW. There isn’t a toggle to have dimlit caves or accessibility caves, which seeing it’s just a buff could very well just have been a toggle.

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