Disabling Crawling Insect Screen Effect

yeah i agree with this. was very glad when i finished those quests and moved on

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The addition of arachnophobia mode, as well as all the other accessibility options they’ve added, begs to differ with this theory.

They care, they just didn’t realize it would be a problem. So we need to let them know it is a problem, so they can fix it.

I suspect the problem here is not that they don’t want ot implement it, but that doing it right is much harder than you’re saying. When it comes to lighting issues specifically, there are about a hundred different conditions that cause a hundred different preferences, so implementing lighting controls that work for everyone is very complicated and thus a big ask. And, if I had to make a guess, the Blizzard devs probably don’t want to ‘quick fix’ something like that, so it keeps getting put off on their priorities.

What’s asked for in this thread… all that’s needed is the quick fix. Nearly everyone who dislikes this would be happy with just the quick fix of ‘disable all front-screen effects’ or whatever you wanna call it.

And very specifically to this point: The fact that they implemented this tells me they plan to use it again. They wouldn’t do the effort to implement this as a throwaway mechanic for one sidequest. And if it becomes a part of something more important… I could very easily see at least one or two people I know fully quitting the game over it.

I doubt anyone would quit over it not existing. So… the latter is in fact the lesser of two evils, if we’re simply talking ‘it has to be a or b’ - but it doesn’t have to be a or b. That’s why we have such a large accessibility menu - so we don’t NEED to decide between ‘a or b’.


I don’t want to sound negative but I have mixed feelings about that one.

We already had toys and items that could change everything into Corgi’s or hearts, so the underlying work was there already. They now made a toy into a setting’s toggle. So why can that be a toggle which seemingly is far more work as only spiders are affected but not lightning for example?
Also, before we were able to hide helmets and cloaks through the interface options and there were addons that basically gave you a button to hide and unhide. They took that away for no reason. It was such a QoL thing for RP.

I feel like the arachnid option had priority only because Nerubians are such a big part of this expansion. So it’s more of a PR thing to look good as if there was maybe 1 dungeon they wouldn’t have bothered at all.