Disable turnip punching bag (and other attackable toys/items) near community feasts

That’s not lag. That’s framerates. The lag issues aren’t the same as framerate issues from spell effects.

Every server has had lag issues in Azure Span.

I don’t know man… I saw 0 turnips heck I even saw no active cooking pot up and lagging like crazy.


Oh wow, you play on all 241 North American servers to know that? You may want to talk to someone about your level of addiction…

Don’t act like a jerk when you have no clue what you’re talking about.

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I’m not talking about framerate. Dropping 12 attackable NPCs with infinite health into a massive pile of people means now the server has to process every single attack on overy single one of those turnips for the next 5 minutes. This game can barely handle a raid group fighting a world boss, let alone 2 raid groups worth of people fighting 11 different turnip bosses at the same time.

If it’s seven thousand spell effects, it’s a framerate issue. The lag issues are separate and server side and being worked on.

Where in those posts say that everyone is effected by that issue?
I still haven’t had lag issues in this expansion.
So once again /shrug

You’re not reading what I’m saying at all. It doesn’t matter if they fix the issues in the azure span. Dropping 12 turnips into a pile of 80 people will ALWAYS bring the server to its knees.

The ring farmers trying to blame zone lag on community feast as if we haven’t already proven that the zone lags even with feast on cooldown.

Disable cobalt and the lag ends. Death to cobalt spammers.

Learn to read a thread and understand it’s a Blizzard server side issue. Now stop making uninformed and dumb comments. Your anecdotal experience is irrelevant. Done with your trolling.

I am. You’re just not understanding that there’s a difference in the Azure Span lag issues and what you’re talking about.

Which is why this thread is about the thing im talking about and not the azure span in general

You are a very hostile person aren’t you. Anything else you care to get off your back today? Maybe a cup a cocoa?

Thank you for your insults and your own ignorance about my lag free situation.

I notice you are a profile in hiding, explains a lot. I do enjoy being called a troll by a professional troll.

Just to check: is Azure lag still an issue for people today today? For most of last week the whole zone was a lagfest for me, but today I was zipping around without issue.

And yet you’re trying to blame zone lag on turnips…

But we also have this:


I’ve experienced a little bit, but nothing that was an issue for gameplay. Not anything like it was.

the turnip punching bag you say…brb buying dragonflight and leveling to max level! AZURE SPAN HERE I COME!

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It would be good for Blizzard to section off the cooking event into a scenario that we could queue for. That would limit the amount of grieving and lower zone latency.

And, yes, people do drop toys to grief other people. It can be funny, and I’m guilty of it myself. Although I haven’t done it for the soup event, or any other DF event actually.

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I’ll sign on to this notion. In fact, I think everyone should be given a toy that destroys these punching bags, so that they aren’t used to grief other things.

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10 x this on world boss spawns in old world where you get maybe 1 hit on boss but oops no its the turnip now. Ban them all for this intentional bad behavior. They are only trying to screw others out of 15 more minutes of time.