Disable party sync for lower level battlegrounds

Shouldn’t have to explain why, kinda ridiculous how this is a thing in the first place.


Bring back the twinks and I’ll agree.


yup twinks vs 120s sounds legit

twinks dont even come close to 120s

You do realize that party synced 120s are at a disadvantage to leveling players right? Are you so clueless to see this? Syncing to a low level disables your spells, your talents and your azerite bonuses, your essences, your trinkets, your weapon enchant and your cloak. The only thing you can use in bgs while downsynced are BG potions.

Git gud

The only bracket they’re an issue in is 111-119.
Every other bracket and twinks will stomp them, and decent geared leveling characters will be on par.

Disable gear, I guess.

Aside from 111-119 I think individual synced players may actually be weaker than leveling characters except in a couple instances (some DH and DKs in low level). Their main advantage is being able to stack a team with OP classes, which can make them more powerful than leveling characters.

It’s difficult figuring what’s happening in light of confounding factors. Twinks can still queue into leveling BGs, they just can’t do so freely. The other day I think I saw someone running a speed hack in 30s, is it possible for a druid in feral form to run approximately twice as fast as a horse for the entire BG? I just hope the review the data and make adjustments as needed.

People lose to party synced players because they’re in a party. Their stats while downscaled are on par with or below reasonably geared levelers (enchanted heirlooms).

It’s a solid feature that really only needs revisiting in the 111-119 bracket and in the case of hero classes in the lower brackets- they may have a few too many abilities available.

I disagree, 120s are too powerful, I’m doing it and there isn’t a single person that can 1vs1 me effectively. Enchanted gear or not.

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Can you explain to me why I can 1v1 them on my MW monk then?
Are you playing something that’s bad in the bracket? Because class balance is out of whack in all of them.

People in leveling BGs tend to use outdated gear that’s well below the level bracket they’re in.

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i one shot 120s. use spy addon and it tells you who the 120s are. we target them and camp them. made a pemade of 120s afk two nights ago. twinks > 120s

Well then there was something horribly wrong in the BG I was in then, because there were a few Paladins in a 30-39 bracket using spells you don’t get until later on, and I was hit with Reaping Flames a couple of times, which is what caused me to make this post.

If that’s actually a bug I’ll try to actually record it if I run into it again. Thank you for your ahem ““very kind”” words, and an unironic thank you for actually giving relevant info.

challenge accepted. i have 4 boxes of xp left left get busy.

Prove it. Show screenshots.

Gear is disabled. Do you even party sync?

I’ve done party sync on low levels on my different accounts. Not for PvP, but I was surprised my level 35 didn’t lose any spells when syncing down to play with level 7’s.

i didnt know until yesterday your group members could scale down outside of a bg or instance lol. it didn’t help the 450 geared warrior who wanted to “show me how to warrior get gud” after i smashed his 110 rogue. little fella barely had 18k hp down at my level. it actually helped prove my point about being geared in a bg when he died in 2 hits. didnt even have to spinny warrior on his face.

This would be the most free win in my life.

The point.
You completely missed it.

Disable gear entirely for people leveling, because it’s what can actually be broken, not the people whose trinkets and procs are entirely shut off.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Party sync is powerful in most brackets if set up properly with the correct class, with 111-119 being obviously insanely strong(Particularly MM hunters and Destro locks) and 20s being the weakest. Disabling gear entirely would just be like legion templates again and we hopefully remember how that went, and these party sync templates are a decent reminder as well.