Disable general chat, but

Is there a way to disable general chats while leaving the ability to use chat in guild, party, and raids? I have a tendency to run my mouth a bit much as reactions to world events and general world chats. This may cause me to get in trouble. I’d like to disable the ability to speak in them, as the WoW community tends to be sensitive people who get offended easily and I’d rather not have my account banned for reactionary speech.

You can leave the channel. Right click on the tab to bring up the channel options. Keep in mind though the rules do exist in other channels as well. Private channels may have a lesser tendancy to be reported, such as guild, but you should still observe the rules while out in the wild.


You can still be reported in those limited channels you’re wanting to keep, but to specifically leave general (or any channel)

Right-click on your chat tab and go to settings.

Hit the red circle to the right side of the channel you want to leave.


Thanks, I’m aware I can leave those channels, but I’d also like to be able to not just use the /say or /yell functions.

I believe you can utilise parental controls to disable those channels.

The OP is saying they still want to see the channels, just not be able to respond to them as they tend to violate the chat rules when they do.


I’m not sure what you mean here. Leaving General won’t cause you to be restricted to typing in /say or /yell; you will still be able to talk in guild chat, party chat, and instance chat even if you leave General, Trade, and all other global channels. You can follow the steps described by Leilleath or type /leave General (or other channel name, such as Trade) in your chatbox and hit enter; either way, you’ll only be taken out of the specific channel you’re targetting.


If this is the case, then I don’t think there’s any way to do that. I tried putting Trade in a new window, right-clicking the tab, and selecting ‘Make Noninteractive’, but it turns out that you can still type in that window anyway. The only thing that seems to change is that if I right-click someone’s name in that window, nothing happens.

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What I’m saying is I’d like to be able to disable /s and /y

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Hello Fudge,

If you right click your chat tab, and go to Settings (at bottom), the first thing seen is all the channels which are enabled. /Say is the first (at top). /Yell is the third. Uncheck /Say and then uncheck /Yell, and you are golden. I play with /Yell off, personally. But there are many options there. One can play with no chat all, frankly, if that is more zen.

Leilleath above has supplied some handy screen shots. Give it a go.

Good luck and have fun.

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Maybe you should be rethinking what ur saying in chat. Penalties will continue to stack. So maybe think about what The game is rated T but that doesnt mean that you can say what u want blizzard will only punish so long then they could just decide to close ur account.


To be fair, being proactive and disabling the channels in question is them thinking ahead. Not quite the same as circumventing.


Good point ill fix that.

Right, you can disable seeing them that way, but it doesn’t prevent you from using them. I’m literally looking for a way to either disable ALL chat EXCEPT in groups… or specifically disable my ability to post to /s and /y
It would also be nice to limit my ability to send whispers to only those people in guild or on my bnet friends list.

This is gona boil down to the social contract that you signed saying that you agreed to paly nice and not be a je[rk every action has it consequences and not everyone gona agree with even ur guildmates could report you.

Yeah, I’m well aware that the easiest thing to do is to not say dumb stuff, but I’m also aware of my inability to do that at times. I have RL rage issues stemming from my PTSD, I do see a mental health provider about it, but that doesn’t fix the problem. I sometimes have a very hard time “biting my tongue”, so to speak…
So, I’m looking for a way to prevent my knee-jerk reactions from causing me to get suspended or banned… I can simply disable all chat, but then I can’t talk to my guildies, who are all aware of my issues… and I can’t communicate effectively in raids (where surprisingly I don’t lose my temper as much, since I plan to fail off the bat on raid nights). Thus why I’m looking for a way to do that.

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For what it’s worth, I appreciate the endeavour.

Knowing one’s limits and proactively trying to find a solution is worthy of respect.


You could check the parental controls, but I don’t think they have separate options for “only in groups.”


Darth, I’m aware of the contract, thank you. I kinda feel like what you’re doing currently is nothing more than antagonizing me over this issue and not really providing me with any useful feedback.
I’m aware that my guildmates would still be able to report me, they’re all friends I’ve been playing with for a long time or that I know IRL. They’re all aware of my mental issues, my service connected disabilities, and the struggles I deal with. They have no problem with the way I chat with them and most is done through our guild’s discord.
I’m simply trying to be proactive about something I realize will probably be an issue for me, and work towards finding a solution. Feel free to make actual suggestions, but understand that I know that being a “je[rk” is not nice and it’s not my primary nature, but an issue that can and does arise for me from time to time. I simply don’t want to lose one of the few methods of escapism and coping that I have.


Hello Fudge,

You can disable all but your guild. Once you have done that, try this mental exersize. Assume all the chat you cannot see is good chat.

Sometimes, because I play on a RP Server, I like to turn off most chats and just kinda RP my way through. At times like that I assume all the chat I am missing is good chat. It works well.

Again, have fun.

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It’s not normally actual chat issues that illicit response, it’s actions where players don’t wait their turns for things, steal items, pvp on the pvp required dailies that you don’t have to actually pvp to complete, etc. I try to avoid most of these things, but have a rough time when it’s happening in real-time.

"You can disable all but your guild. " - How?