Disable general chat, but

So in those options above, uncheck everything but your Guild:

Guild Chat
Officer Chat
Guild Announce

You will simply have to exercise self control and not use the ones you have disabled. Also, look at it from a RP issue. This is a RP game. Those actions you see, maybe they make you fight better for what is right, etc. No need to say anything, let your actions speak for themselves.


Thanks, you’re right about the self-control part, it’s something I work on daily IRL and in-game.
Deselecting the options through the general config doesn’t stop me from being able to POST to those, it only stops me from reading them. They could all stay as “read only” if that was an actual option… and the being able to post is what will get me in trouble.
Words don’t really bother me, at least not in a manner that would cause me to knee-jerk react. It’s when actions of others stop me from enjoying the game, (ie: tons of people mounted on a quest giver, someone interfering with me just questing, etc) … I don’t have a good rationale for it, it is what it is.

Just realize that unchecking all those options under Chat Settings only disables what you see. It does nothing to prevent others from seeing what you type.



Seems like you are trying. Turn those off and see what is what. Talk to your therapist you mentioned above if you feel like it. It’s all good.

At the end of the day Blizz wants to make a good fun game. And that is what it is, a good fun game.

If you need to get out some PVP stuff, you are playing a 600lb mountain minatour that shapeshifts and moves in full stealth. Que up for epic BGs, turn off chat and get it on., I promise us Alliance can take it. I like chat off generally when in BGs. I do have a lot of fun in epics.

Good luck and, again gain, have some fun.

Ohh and sometimes some good music in bgs is good too. /smile


Yep, I guess I’m trying to find the reverse option, lol. Where I can see what others type, but disable what I can say to all, except my guildies or bnet friends.
Also, early congrats on that 30k achievement.


Understandable. I don’t really think there is a way to prevent it without the full nuclear option via Parental Controls (and that disables ALL chat).

Best wishes for a clean chat record.

Thanks, I am trying to bust out the last bits as best I can.


Thanks, I did not know about this! I would actually gladly take that over accepting social contract. Uninstalled the game the same day I saw that pop-up, because I knew, that anything other than the airtight stop to all comms would be useless, and will surely backfire with report abuse, and compromise my account, as evidently a lot of unfairly banned others confirm in this forum. Because if someone talks junk to me, I will probably talk back, and with the new social contract crackdown, there is a greater bait-and-report toxicity potential than there has ever been in the history of this game. Even before social account, I played only on trial account for months, even though I had game time on another, because I liked the communication restrictions, that a normal /dnd mode did not provide, and I could still see comms from other players in some one way or another, inside the instances group or whatever. Now that I know about disabling all chat, I’ll be sure to try it. Chat disable through parental controls should definitely be an option instead of social contract, as once you block absolutely all chat, the social contract becomes pretty much useless, since 99% of its flull is about comms. Anyway, thanks again

Thankfully, all language reports are looked at by a GM and any abusive reports that do not violate the rules, leads to nothing happening.

Just a note, the Social Contract did not introduce any new rules that were already around.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen an actual example in this particular forum where an account action for language was actually in error. People tend to play “innocent” and pretend that they don’t know why they were actioned up until one of our wonderful blues drops the truth hammer.

Then you’re right, you are better off not using the chat at all if you cannot control your fingers :wink:

There is no such thing. People have always had the option to report abusive and inappropriate language and it is simple easier to do now. But there is no active “crackdown” as no new rules were introduced.


I still have to use my fingers to hit that accept button on social contract though, but if you say so :slight_smile:

Much like you already clicked that you agree with the EULA. That’s what the social contract is summing up for us players. We already agreed to it. Again, nothing new at all was added as far as the rules go.


The Social Contract is quite literally a tldr of the EULA you had to agree to in order to even create an account. Why did you agree to it if you didn’t like the terms set forth in it?

I genuinely do not understand this argument of agreeing to abide by rules but then not wanting those rules to apply to you. If you don’t want to accept the Social Contract, which is 100% your choice, it was an unwise decision to accept the EULA when you first started.


Not to try and bring this back to the actual question… Is there actually a way to turn off your own ability to chat in certain ways (ie: /s, /y, etc) while still being able to use other chat functions like /2 (trade) and /g?

Not that I’m aware of. There may be an addon that can help you, but I’m not aware of any way to do this in the standard UI.

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At no point in time I said that I do not want EULA rules apply to me, so please don’t put words in my mouth. I just don’t like nagging reminders and I wasn’t sure that it would stop there, and I wouldn’t see another one in character selection screen, and then another one in game, and then another one before joining the channel, etc. I treat these pop-ups like cockroaches, when you see one, you know there may be many, like an infected website. Also as I said, I prefer not to use chat functionality at all, and full comms block via parental controls is what I was looking for, and was not aware of, else I’d totally try it. Now that I am aware of the full comms block, the social contract pop-up is an annoying irrelevance to me at most, I just haven’t made up my mind if I want to let it slide, since I’m not confident if its a once off EULA duplicate, or if I accept it once, I’ll have to ‘accept’ something like that again and again, especially given how frighteningly defensive the vocals are about it

The EULA used to pop up from time to time too, especially if there was a change to it.

That said, I’ve only seen the social contract come up once, so no need to create some unnecessary fear about it.

And no, it doesn’t come up all over the place, just the one time when you log in.

I do find it odd that people seem to be worried about something they’ve already agreed to that is basically summed up as, be kind to one another.

If someone else is mouthing off or breaking the rules, you have two choices. One, report and move on or two, put them on ignore and you’re done with them.

Correcting misinformation is one of the purposes of this forum. It’s not being defensive about something, just correcting people when they are mistaken about facts.

I’m glad that you are now aware that you can setup parental controls though and that it may lead to you being happier within the game. That’s a win for sure!


Scratch that a gm wontvdo that.

The idea seems to contain certain inherent problems that would require coding for exceptions (slash commands you wanted to use etc. etc.) and situational requirements which would probably ultimately lead to Oops, I forgot to ....

As a quick and dirty test of the basic premise you could try the following (/reload to reset)

/run local function OEP(s)local t,p=s:GetText(),s:GetAttribute("chatType")if not(t=="/reload"or p=="GUILD"or p== "PARTY"or p== "RAID")then ChatEdit_ClearChat(s)return end ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed(s)end ChatFrame1.editBox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", OEP)

Only allows guild/party/raid messages on ChatFrame 1 (General???).

Untested so anything eg. combat might break it.

The /reload is case sensitive!


This was what I was going to suggest as well. I believe there are also native chat filtering functions built into the game that addons like Badboy make use of to filter out spam messages? I’d bet those could be used to achieve similar results.

As far as I’m aware, most of that are for filtering messages received and not messages sent.

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I like this. It seems to work okay so far, so thank you.

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