if you have warmode on you obviously want to fight so why fly over people?
If they did that I wouldn’t be able to use my awesome Net-O-Matic 5000. It’s fun.
If only we had a gun that shot nets at people, dismounting and potentially killing them outright.
Because people might actually want to pick their fights? Not get slaughtered by a group of the other faction while they’re on their own?
Net O Matic is fun though
Someone’s mad he couldn’t gank low levels in Outlands.
Because it’s fun to hit someone with Concussive Shot and then Net-O-Matic as they slowly try to fly away. Or Net-O-Matic them from Camouflage so they have no idea you’re there until they’re falling. And then they go splat for even more amusement.
Literally no one ever attacks me when I’m in Warmode, people are just enabling it for the free boost.
I’m thinking this would weed out many of the people who just want the bonus.
But I don’t play war mode so it doesn’t matter to me.
Flight should have never been turned on for warmode!
how about get rid of warmode, and keep the flying. sure it was infuriating back in the day when somebody could take off or just hover forever in the sky. but then you got to berate them and make fun of them, note them down and camp them for hours on end when you or a guildmate found them.
flying though was also a good way to set up your ambushes and distract groups of players
Or PVP alltogther
nope. pvp always on. carebears can go to pve servers i think the toggle pvp/engage in pvp if you attack faction NPCs was about right
Even though the anti-flyers keep trying seems the devs disagree with you.
Flying forever!
I just rather have flight but i like PVP too just keep it instanced so we can fly
Thing is, I’m not anti flying, even a little bit. All I’m saying is warmode provided an opportunity for true world pvp. The bonus shouldn’t be a thing either, you want to pvp, why do you need incentive to pvp?
PVP happened.
people that think flying is bad in warmode, are bad at warmode