Disable flying in warmode

Yes please then the anti flyers will have a place to go and be alone and we will not have to listen to them anymore.

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After having flying for years on pvp servers I only ever noticed a problem with druids who could insta fly while in combat. Flying worked just fine on pvp servers which is no different than warmode.

because to a lot of people pvp is killing someone up to a hundred levels lower than them over and over

if flying wasn’t allowed, only choices for these people are to try and crawl to a safe zone, dying over and over and waiting to respawn and spawn just a bit closer; spawn at graveyard (which is probably being camped anyways) or just log off and not play their character cause of a few bad apples

so flying is there to help even the odds so the players can fly over them, and even still it’s not one hundred percent. i think it’s fine the way it is


How about instead of removing flying in Warmode, we get flying mounts that can engage in combat and have their own unique abilities?

So whether you’re on the ground or in the skies, WPvP is still possible. That sounds fun.


They could always turn off war mode.

That said, instant cast net-o-matic would be a good compromise.

that’s what I said.

after a 30 minute crawl to the next safe spot if they get ganked at the wrong spot

No. If you have warmode on, you want a bonus while avoiding as much pvp as possible…

Unless I’m 120 I have no interest in a fight with anything smarter and/or stronger than a world mob. I just want the stupid XP bribe.

There are too few players using warmode as it is.
The last thing we need is to drive even more players away.

Not sure whether flying should be disabled but it’s huge advantage/imbalance for wpvp in end game zones. After got flying I suddenly realized I’m not bad at wpvp in naz/stormvalley.

You know i’m getting that to get even with the dude that get just that in borelus.

Having Warmode on does not mean I want to fight 24/7.

I want to fight and also want to be efficient, if being less efficient is the only way to sometimes fight people (which is by itself less efficient when doing other tasks as well) I would never turn Warmode on.

Now, if there was a “Timeless Isle” type area full of necessary items BUT you couldnt fly (just like TI) you would get what you want. I don’t care if I can’t fly in an area that already restricts it, because its the same for everyone. But if you are restricting me because of my mode then I and many others wouldn’t keep it on.

And no I don’t do it for the rewards, the rewards are pathetic. The only benefit is I get Lightning Lasso in PvE content and maybe some utility totems (which should be in a base toolkit anyway, but I digress).

Sounds good on paper but if you got rid of WM and went back to pure, permanent PVP servers this would make PVP higher quality … for the 10 guys on that server. WM at least gets many people who would otherwise turn away from PVP sometimes dip their toe in the water.

No WM, numbers fall off a cliff, leading to much sitting around in Orgrimmar complaining about the old days where you didn’t have to fly around the Vale for 12 hours to find one guy … who was a druid who flew off.

Doesn’t work though if they’re smart and have goblin gliders… I always carry them if someone tries to net me.

“They came at us from behiiiiiiiiiiiiind!!!”

You do know PvP servers don’t exist anymore right? Haven’t for a while. Thus “go to pve servers” is a incredibly funny thing to say. Every server is PvE now unless you turn on warmode.

Couldn’t they just net you again?

Dont take away my netgun fun :C

Nope, can’t net people who are gliding. They’re not mounted or flying. I’ve glided my way into instances or places where the netter has to take time to reach me and I just remount again.

Honestly i think the only thing a person in Warmode can do while mounted is gather crafting materials from the players pockets.

Oh… right, sorry, different game.
