Disable all player Transmog toggle when?

Hey, where is the “this doesn’t HURT YOU” “more options are always better!” crowd?? This is right up their alley.

I don’t see a problem with this, if someone wants to see my un-transmogged gear I would never know, and if I wanted to see the game un transmogged I could.

Solid idea.

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You’re saying you want to change the visual look of other player’s gear with only the consent of those who want that ability, and without the consent of the players you want to view.

Without their consent.

Stop being creepy and lazy, and just take the time to inspect other’s gear. That technology also exists.

He can turn those players into corgis right now, WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT.

:upside_down_face: :laughing:

Hey, there’s this fun thing. It’s called “Inspect”. Does the same thing. Don’t wanna do transmog stuff? Play classic. OH WAIT transmog is coming with Cata. Shame that.

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I know what he wants. He wants to see people differently than they want to be seen. Bad idea and very creepy.

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Anybody who doesn’t think this will just be a 5 minute toy with an hour CD is smoking

My feeling is that you would be. By the nature of this request I feel you would be spending most of your time mocking other players for their actual gear.

Perhaps this should be a monkey’s paw option, where if you use it to view everyone else’s untransmogged gear, your gear appears untransmogged to everyone else.

I’d turn it on just so I don’t have to see all the stick insect elves running around in trashy skimp mogs.

I will go a step further and have the ability to choose old or new character models like they had done in EQ2. Do this in Classic as well

Already was a thing until legion, where they removed it for nelves and Belves because the new animation skeleton didnt work with the old models, and then as classes started getting more animation reworks they started dropping it for all races, doubt we’ll ever see it back.

Hopefully never. You think I want people to know that underneath this hidden chest, Tusks, BRONZETINTED SUNGLASSES, and Heritage that I’d look like some sort of Groot knockoff (Emerald Dream catchup Gear)? I GOT A REPUTATION TO UPHOLD!

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I want a gnome pally DH and druid please.



Also, print out your post in 72-point, fold it until it’s all corners, and take it as a suppository.


Once they let NElfs be locks anything is possible. I would love seeing BElf druids just to see their shape change models

No. You’re going to see me the way I want to be seen, dammit.

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Gnomish X-Ray Specs. lol

How can you have decent pvp if the gear is hidden?

Or is the gear so trivial to get that you assume everyone is in near-bis pvp gear?

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No??? Thats such a weird thing to want. You want to see peoples just base gear mix matched??

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You can, by what you wear. I think it’s odd to what to control how to see other players. I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone wanting to view another player in a way like this.

We have achievements you can view, titles, you can inspect and see what the gear is. And which catch up gear we’d all look like the same 4 or so sets.

If you don’t wish to use tmog that is 100% fine but you shouldn’t get a choice is how other players look to you. If I put hours into my tmog to run around in you will see it if you like it or not.

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So players should be forced to see an artificial transmog instead of the actual gear you are wearing?

You do realize that by turning off transmog (on their side only) they are playing the game in a way that is enjoyable to them and it has literally zero impact on you. Whereas by forcing them to have transmog on, you are impacting their gameplay negatively for your own enjoyment?