Disable all player Transmog toggle when?

That’s more or less how I took this post as well. I understand OP’s want. They want to be able to tell what other players have completed at a glance. To me that’s a little too much worrying about what other people do in this game. I’m personally thankful this char is not sitting here looking like a big house plant with some time rift stuff mixed in. I, and I’m sure most, go with a mog that I like to see on my characters and don’t spend a whole lot of time going “gee, I wonder what that other player over there has actually done.”


I like looking at peoples gear in classic, I don’t care at all about in retail. It is 100% fine for you to feel the opposite. I just prefer the opposite.

IKR! People can go play Classic if they want to. It’s great!

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I do play classic! And retail! Make retail better!

Never. Get over it.


Oh. Neato. I don’t think anyone’s ever put me on ignore, at least not that I know of. Guess I touched a nerve!

I think that’s possible pretty easily in game anyway, since you can compare achievements with another player with a couple of mouse clicks, right? I’ve never done it because I just don’t care, but there it is.

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Time to clock out of work, peace out boys. Continue acting like wanting to see the actual gear your wearing is some social issue lol

Get the corgi glasses

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I believe that is correct, yes.


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By making them retcon lore (just like they do now in retail), and making it so that Arthas actually won against us.

That would be fun. :smiley:

That’s never going to happen nor should it.

I’m trying to understand what you’re asking for here. Are you asking to not be able to transmog gear for you or for others? If it’s for you, it’s just an option. You don’t need to transmog your stuff if you don’t want to. Or are you asking to be able to view what the other players are actually wearing or are you asking that Blizz does away with transmog entirely?

No, you don’t get to choose what I look like, you weirdo.

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I’d rather not have people see me unmogged tbh, i’d rather a randomized tier set be placed on at that point if you want something more “immersive”

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Eh, I think there’s a certain element of player choice in how someone chooses to design their character that gets removed when you start activating toggles to permanently change them.

I don’t know. I wouldn’t organize protests outside of Blizzard HQ over it, but the thought of someone else changing my character - even on just their screen - doesn’t sit well with me. This is how I want my character to appear.

Similarly if someone wanted to go unmogged in TBC clown gear, I shouldn’t be allowed to switch on a toggle that puts them in default Stormwind NPC gear to feel more immersed. This is an MMO, part of sharing game space means putting up with people’s looks.


what comes to mind if we had no t mogs


What OP is asking for is an option to toggle off seeing someone else’s transmog. That way THEY can see at a glance what YOUR character has completed recently. It oddly reminds me of an HOA board member I once knew that was trying to push a rule about keeping curtains open during a certain time of day so he could walk by and see the inside of the neighborhood houses. Fortunately it didn’t take long for that to go in the garbage can. Granted OP’s idea isn’t quite that creepy, but it’s pushing it.


Not any worse than the people triggered that they have to see my transmog. :person_shrugging:

If I want you to see me in my goofy pirate hat, well, I guess you’re going to see me in my goofy pirate hat. Sorry, not sorry. Try not to get triggered over it.

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I would actually love a client side toggle to disable transmog