Disable all player Transmog toggle when?

It wouldn’t be so bad now, but thank heck we have transmog because Classic was not it. You can say it’s how it’d be back in Medieval times, but even they matched their armor instead of wearing 15 different looking pieces of gear that didn’t at least mildly match.

If you want the good ole days, go back to classic and leave that logic there. :nauseated_face:

I’ve seen them keep it randomized after doing Trial of Style because they were a druid so they forgot they had no mog underneath. They quickly changed when pointed out lmao.


Okay, I do fundamentally disagree that gear looked back in classic outside of a few specific sets. But Just look at warrior now lol.

You guys are so weird lol. Oh no someone can’t see my transmog!
I’ll let you know now. No one cares lol. And the few people that do wouldn’t toggle it off.

We are the weird ones, but it seems like your post is getting quite a bit of the opposite of what you were hoping for. Odds are, we aren’t the weird ones.

I really couldn’t agree more. Because this is a very slippery slope. Give them the ability to toggle off mogs, now all of a sudden you open up worms of all sorts. "Oh, you are wearing that armor, looks like ash!’ - No, you only see what looks like ash, I see a killer mog. Then they expect everyone to have the same toggle on, which in your words, should be no mog at all because that’s the ‘better’ days.


I think most people don’t care lol. Seems to me its just a few people getting trigger someone doesn’t care about seeing their transmog.

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IMHO, If you donʻt want to use the transmog function, … then dont… you are not forced to transmog.
I see lots of alts running around in ungtransmogged heirloom gear (IMO Yuck!). They didnʻt need a toggle to not transmog, I see no reason why anyone would need a toggle.


Please don’t use logic, that’ll fry too many circuits in this thread.

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I don’t think you can read man lol. That wouldn’t fix the premise of

That isn’t logic lol.

Oh, So you mean being able to turn off Other players transmogs.

A little more clarity would have been nice. Im an old tank, many bops to the head…

Yes " Disable all player Transmog toggle"
What did you think I was saying lol?

“Disable transmogs for all players”
is how I and it seems a few others read that title

Disable all player Transmog toggle when?

How about never?

That’s akin to you telling me what I have to wear IRL, because you want to see the type of clothing that you prefer. No, thank you.

I create the character I want to present in game, and transmog is a part of that. No one else should get to decide what I look like to them.


Naw. People like transmog I even like transmog I would never suggest get rid of it lol. Just give people the option.

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Uh, very bad idea. Choosing how other players appear is sketchy business.


What lol. I am not arguing with this logic Straight to ignore.

So it’s basically about you. You want an option removed for your playing environment.

How about this - you leave your gear as it is, and give the rest of us the same choice.

PS: However, if they had an option to allow a player to disregard mog in their world view, I would not mind that. It would allow individual player choice.

I dislike this idea, however it doesn’t effect me so im all for it!

I just like seeing awesome and well thought out mogs, not amalgamations of random pieces.

Classic is just ewww for that reason, even though i love it. Id love for mogs to be in classic, but that’s just me.

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That is fine. Its a toggle meaning you can see it how you like!

Gods no…

It’s not that armor looks clownish. It’s that combinations of sets do that are randomly put together based off drops and whatever is BiS looks clownish. I’d rather see a full jester mog than TBC clown mode.

That seems anti immersion.

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I don’t see the harm in a toggle but I doubt Blizzard would spend the dev time to make it.