Disability representation in WoW

Im almost certain theres a dragon NPC in dragonflight thats in a wheelchair. My boyfriend showed him to me and i was so surprised. If he reminds me, ill attach a picture. And i had no idea drek’thar was in a wheelchair

technically he’s only been blind since the start, the wheelchair was added in Cataclysm because he’s phenomenally old for an orc and age finally caught up with him

I love how every single word you typed proves my point lol.

Would never happen. only select groups can be represented or its considered Racist.

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OP there is ALOT of disabled representation in this game. Case and point : DK’s

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Seems like bait.


Flying in a wheelchair would be weird? Besides, there’s already a drac in a wheelchair ingame. Waking Shores.

comes back to thread to read comments



This is just dumb

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Big Hugs Toleco…BiG BiG HUGS…stick with it …

And what is wrong with Gnomes…we are dang cute…knows I am cute in this outfit…

Again what is wrong with Gnomes…:slight_smile:

why would you want this? I have a disability and just don’t see the need.


i am more worried about the oil then anything lol

Your alts are called avatars does this ring a bell about a movie?

You should look up Mechagnomes. They have prosthetics.