I was wondering why we dont have more disability representation in WoW? As a disabled gamer myself(WHEELCHAIR), I would love to see some characters riding around in a wheel chair or just going about life with some form of disability. I dont think the wheelchair is too far fetched for WoW, since people get injured in war all the time! But im not sure how other disabilities, like learning disabilities could be implemented, but I know that the visibility would be universally praised!
I’m sure someone could flesh this idea out more than me, but i just think it would be nice!
Assuming you aren’t a disgusting troll using disabled/marginalized groups to get a rise out of the forums, no, I don’t think it’s something we need in WoW. I don’t play my fantasy rpg’s and wish that my real life disability could be carried over to my in-game avatar.
Edit: Looking at your post history, yeah, I’m going with disgusting troll.
Drek’thar uses a wheelchair to get around when needed and there was an old High Mountain Tauren that needed a hearing aid. Honestly in this kind if setting, if said person isn’t important or prominent, then don’t expect to see them be seeing around. At best they’d be one offs and I’m not sure how I feel about that.
As someone who now has to walk with a cane if I am having a “bad back” day where I might lose strength in my bad leg, I am not interested in having an NPC having to limp around with a cane.
Can you imagine that? Think of Thrall in the Escape From Durnholde dungeon, in CoT, and how slow he is. Now think of an NPC, who walks with a cane, slowed down. It would take forever. Bleh.
I have to deal with my back issues every single day. Why in the ever-loving, unholy hell would I want to see that in WoW.
I really dont see how asking for representation makes me a troll… we got transgender representation (finally), i dont see how asking for other marginalized groups to get some positive light in my favorite game is a bad thing.
There are many forms of disability representation already in the game. The most current I can think of is the centaur clan in dragonflight the Shikar tribe kahn uses a translator for her sign language.
Just because they are not crippled does not mean it isn’t a disability.
Well, it doesn’t to me. I have my own placard to hang from the rear street view mirror in my cars, thank you. I don’t need it to be splashed in front of my face every single time I play WoW.
It is there in-game already, and they do make an effort towards it.
I don’t know why playing a game you would want it to remind you you’re disabled as I’d rather walk and run… Seems odd…
Like I have allergy induced asthma which is going off daily causing me breathing issues that make me extremely fatigued. Does this need representation? Do I need everything to be represented in a game I play so that I like playing it?
No. The crying for all this representation is rediculious. You can’t represent EVERYONE. You don’t need to either.
And there is at least one or more chars in wheelchairs in Dragonflight. Characters with missing limbs are pretty common too and we can play one as a mechagnome.
Those are not unexpected things as an outcome of war.