Disability representation in WoW

reality is what it is son. your focus on CAPS dont change that fact.

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Lots of posts in this thread are basically harassment towards OP. Mods should focus on that.

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There’s a Dracthyr in a wheelchair somewhere in the Dragon Isles.

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Okay, I laughed way too hard at this. :rofl:


I’m an American, and a lot of us have gotten fat on bad food and sedentary lifestyles. I want a character that can’t run and is out of breath after walking 50 yards, and has to sit down, they could give me vigor like the dragonriding, and i could wait for it to fill up to walk again. Also, all races should be able to be fat, so I can feel represented.

Also, I have bad Anxiety. Can my character have an RNG that sometimes in battle I panic and can’t fight effectively, so I can be represented?

I’m not saying this to be unkind. But I am trying to illustrate how it feels for most people when this call for representation keeps coming up, always wrapped in the pretense that it is a noble and righteous thing to aggrandize victim fetishes. You are a person, with a bunch of traits and qualities that represent you to the world. Your wheelchair does not represent you any more than my mental illness represents me.


Whatever helps you sleep at night man. It’s a video game. It doesn’t have to emulate real life. If you read the posts the majority of people who are against this are ones that claim they’re disabled themselves.

And some people play gnomes :slightly_frowning_face: :pray:

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In a world of reality bending magic why would anyone remain disabled rather then just use magic to fix themselves? I know i would.

Hate to break it to you but Drekthar’s been blind and in a wheelchair since this game was first mad.


I always wondered if you could play WoW with just one hand. Blizzard should accommodate players with certain disabilities like color blindness, paraplegic, deaf and so forth. (*Hearing Impaired people prefer to be called “Deaf” so don’t jump on my back!) :dracthyr_nod:

i think there is a lite color blindness setting
deaf might have to fall to dbm or WA for the text

It’s a video game and a fantasy world. It’s not supposed to mimic real life. Aside from there already being “representation” for many real life disabilities, if they were to over do it then there would be a lot of people who would feel like they’re being patronizing. Knowing how wow devs often try to take comedic approaches to serious topics they would probably do just that.

There’s so much more that you could use your energy for irl. Is fighting for representation in a 20yo video game really worth it? I certainly don’t want to have my disability shoved in my face when I’m trying to escape reality.

So we have this topic again. We already had the disable represent in the game but are not taking it op that far it ne too much

Nothing wrong with having more characters in wheelchairs or other disabilities. People get hot and heavy or what should/shouldn’t be in the game but since we already had a character in a wheelchair, I don’t see why not. It already exists.


It’d be too real, like having scantily clad women in art pictures or npcs named after frat boys.

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obvious troll thread, character name, and guild. Flag and move along.

There’s entire races of disabled NPCs

The Broken:
Broken draenei are often rejected from draenei society due to their deformities, and inability to use the Light, leading them to eke out miserable existences in Outland’s wastes. It is not uncommon for Broken living in Shattrath to throw themselves off elevators, committing suicide as the draenei guards simply watch.

The Arakkoa Outcasts:
Those found guilty of breaking the law, dabbling in shadow magic, or worshipping gods other than Rukhmar are hurled from the spires and into the cursed pools of Sethekk Hollow, where their wings shrivel and their bodies contort. No longer able to fly, and forever cut off from their sun god, these outcasts have formed their own communities in the shadows of the spires, particularly in the refuge city of Skettis.

The Wretched:
With the events of the Sunwell being used to summon the Legion, a new type of Wretched was created. While some have mild symptoms of this advanced mutation, others have major physical changes. The basic symptoms include bulging green eyes, black rot-like mouths with what looks like black drool coming from them, less hair, green growths, feet, and hands that are more claw-like and are of an almost demon-like brown color, and small holes where growths should be from their Wretched transformation. The ones with the most dramatic changes have deep sucked-in chests, more holes that look like they appeared from popped growths, markings near their eyes, and more of a monster-like appearance, barely resembling their former selves.

The Withered:
The withered (or Withered ) are nightfallen who could not find sources of arcane to feed their starvation and fell into a mindless, feral withered state. Withered are considered beyond redemption and there is no cure yet to their state. They are not only consumed by a burning thirst for the Nightwell but are tormented by their former memories, truly a fate worse than death. One of the final symptoms just before turning is that the nightfallen will lose their eyesight. It is surprising that the withered don’t try to eat their own clothing when it contains innate power.

The Pale:
Pale orcs, also called the Pale , are deformed, sickly orcs that are defined by visibly pale skin and glowing eyes, who lived on Draenor before its destruction. Those orcs who fall to the otherworldly voices flee their clan and become the Pale, withered remains of their former selves, hiding from the light and babbling incoherently in dark caves.

There’s a couple more, but they’re undead so part of their handicap comes from being undead. The Ashen in Revendreth for example, or the Withered Trolls in Zul’Drak are technically Drakuru/Scourge Trolls.

I dont want any of this. I play games to bot be in my real life.

WoW’s Next Xpac should be World of Warcraft: Representation.

I don’t get it though. If Blizz created an NPC who stood at SW gates and said “Hello, I’m deaf in one ear.” all day long, how would that help people in RL who are deaf in one ear?