Disability representation in WoW

The whole point of fantasy is to escape reality. Not everything needs to be included in a game good lord.

It’s already in WoW.

It already exists.

And yet we have the blind, we’ve got someone in a wheelchair and we’ve got someone who is deaf and mute.

There should be more ugly npcs as the top dogs. Ugly people should have representation too.
Ugly people are always marginalized in society, pretty privilege is real and strong in our world. Also in finding mates, ugly people have it the worst.

So yes, we need some more Quasimodos as leaders.
And no… the Trade Prince Gallywix, doesn’t count!

We need actual ugly (human for representation) leaders.

Maybe when Anduin comes back he can be scarred and deformed by the Maw. /s

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I forget, wasn’t there a dracthyr npc in a wheel chair?

And sure why not, long as it works well with the character :slight_smile:

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Until the admins here start SEVERELY punishing flag abusers they’ll just keep trolling moderation with these false flags.


OP has a history of acting like the Tsquad.

uh…yeah…and we do that by playing someone we aint in a different world…not by pretending that handicaps dont exist.
IF this world is supposed to be REALISTIC then there should be all sorts of handicaps, given the THEME of the game is WAR and war MAIMS.


Yes, I’m aware. Saying it isn’t needed isn’t the same as saying it doesn’t exist. Also, op is trolling. I don’t really want to discuss the merits of additional representation in a thread created in bad faith.

Which is why I said:

We know. :wink:

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oh no! someone said something i disagree with, troll troll troll! I knew this post would attract people like you… i really dont see how its trolling to ask for more representation. I DISTINCTLY remember the EXACT same responses when the Chromie announcement was made.


Because the OP has a history of acting like the Tsquad.

So hostile and nasty.


That’s all someone had to tell me. Not sure why I was paired and attacked for asking.

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, nothing would make this game more complete in it’s current iteration than seeing someone dragonriding on a wheelchair through the clouds leaving a rainbow trail behind them.

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Welcome to the official World of Warcraft forums. lol.


They do, but I think people either don’t notice or ignore it. :dracthyr_a1: Remember all the wistful “i wish they did road signs like back in the day, vanilla was so cool” when they’ve been doing them? But nobody noticed?


How dare you sir…mechagnomes are obviously spawns of the eternal ones…

You have to consider the source of that post. It’s unfortunately a given that’s the type of response you’ll get from them.

please point out where in my post history i have trolled in the past? my only other post is about the goblin event, which i found fun… why are you trying to derail my thread where im voicing my legitimate opinions and hopes for the game?


Oh - All caps on select words. lol

It IS realistic BECAUSE there ARE NPC’s in the game who DO have disabilities.

Stop it.