Dire Maul update please?

People are pretty confused when its supposed to be released. Could we have a clear timestamp please?


Standard Blizz fashion, maintain radio silence for plausible deniability.

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Blizzard is trying to continue their streak of screw ups this quarter.

Pointless to bash them but yeah a simple “Dire Maul will open at this time” statement would be very appreciated, some of us were pretty happy to be off today to start farming some stuff in there.

Wasn’t it supposed to open same time raids reset?

but that would make sense!
so we dont want that!

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We got the statement, thread closed.

When is that 1st patch (nonphase) supposed to come? Still waiting on the Keyrings to be added like originally told.

read the blue post instead of just whining in the forums mite help.

This thread is 18 minutes old, blue post is 10 minutes old.


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No clue, keyrings may not make it in til p2, they have too much to fix atm and they don’t have the help of the main wow team anymore like they did at launch.

I haven’t seen any communication on the subject and I think that’s the problem people are having.

I don’t see a new sticky, can you link?

It’s not a sticky

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Check again.