Dire Maul coming out next week

This seems like a mistake.

I don’t care if it all came out but it’s always been the elitist PvE’ers that cry the most tears begging for more raids & begging for faster expansion releases. Apparently 15 years hasn’t changed people as much as some have thought.

Classic has a straight progression path. This isn’t retail where patches worth of content are made redundant.

You could reach level 60 in a few years and still have the complete game to prog through.

It’s ok to take your time leveling, I’ll be doing that with many alts. My end game experiences doesn’t invalidate your own.

Yes absolutely. My man. All of my gear is gonna get replaced in DM. Hoj? Gone. Devilsaur? GONE.

Your reply assumes that these players will not be caught up in a month or two, right around the time we could reasonably expect phase 2, which is an absurd assumption; additionally, you provide it without justification. Don’t play such games with me.

and many 60s are contemplating quitting classic out of boredom. Raid logging is already a problem.

are you more valuable than them?

I definitely recall a recent blue post about how Dire Maul loot being so good it would mess up loot progression so they were delaying it… yet here we are.


I think you should quit.

There is absolutely NO WAY you hit 60 playing casually in 3 weeks… assuming it only took you 6 days /played to get there that is still an average of 6.8 hours per day. I can’t imagine that being casual in anybody’s estimation.

As a frame of reference, I worked an average of 5.7 hours per day in that span - I must be ultra-casual at my job.

So I should rush to 60 on my lock?

You’re greatly underestimated the power of making my mage friends AoE stuff for me.

The masses, that is to say, the overwhelming majority of players, are absolutely not raid logging an will not be for at least a month. They are definitely more valuable than you or I, because there are far more of them.

As for raid logging itself; well, if your guild’s members are raid logging instead of spending their time PVPing or helping guildmates get geared out, you’ve got problems that go far beyond the scope of Classic’s timeframe.


I hope you all have a nice day and eventually open a window and get some fresh air. Remember to check your posture as well. Have a wonderful afternoon.

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Anyone that is taking the classic roll-out/raiding seriously has problems far beyond any scope I could imagine.

Actually, a full-time job is 5.7 hours per day when averaged across the weekend (40 / 7). This just adds more impact to your statement imo.

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Sorry I didn’t play on european servers. No idea what weird terms you guys used over there.

Post on your 60 classic character or continue to get smirked at by me, non-factor.

there,s no progression in MC.

you get 40 people with 3 functionning braincell and you are 8/10.

get 40 people with 3 functionning braincell and some rep farming, you are 10/10.

progression in the retail sense ( bosses requiring hundred of wipe to master strategy and tough overlap) just don’t exist… 1-shotting everything up to and including rag , on your first playthrough, is quite common.

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Sorry bro i didnt:

  1. cheat with level exploit (xp)
  2. give up my life commitments
    3)actually care about being competitive classic, it does not involve skill, only time played.

I did:

1)maintain my life commitments
2)continue to be professionally employed
3)not ignore my wife and kids

So smirk all you want for not having a life the past 6 weeks.


I don’t believe you play Classic at all.