Dire Maul coming out next week

You think I give a rat’s butt about being ‘good’ in your eyes? I play this game to have fun, period. I have NO CARES what people think. I do worry about those that get their self worth from chasing shinies in a game.

I AM concerned about the Devs apparently catering to the tiny fraction of people who’ve done everything there is to do instead of the 99% who are taking their time.


well, if they aren’t 60 yet they haven’t put much time in the game… no?

and if they are 60, then they won’t get bullied around?

but better, why not release BGs aswell ; that way people will PvP in WSG, AB and AV instead of camping ungoro flightpath.

Guys. Level 55 Crystal water from mages Tuesday, October 15th. Game. Changer.


guess you’re really bad at being time efficient. not my issue.

And yet you throw tantrums over the fact that other player’s are completing content that you aren’t. Priceless.

Jeez could he make any more hand gestures while he speaks? Put your hands down ffs

Catch up classic?

I thought DM trivialized MC… then non 60s in greens and blues cleared it.

DM is fine. Stop being a classic blowhard.

And yes if you made it to 60 in less than 30 days and are still going strong - you have no life.

Why? Most players haven’t even gotten a piece of gear from molten core yet and they are adding in gear that makes most other pieces of gear obsolete. Wasn’t the point of phase two originally to keep DM out of early raid progression?


Not even 60 yet and not even bothered.

have you tried a /who 60?

btw, search result caps out at 50 ( 49?)

See my post above you.

Sweet once i hit 60 i can just do dire maul for my bis instead of 40 man raids!

Mm the majority of MC gear is already obsolete to pre raid blues, dude.

They clueless man. People either have way too much time and therefore think everyone does or think “meh more content = good” without thinking about the ramifications.

At the end of the day does releasing Dire Maul sooner than expected alone completely change things? Not really. It’s more the sign of what’s to come from Blizz that we are speculating from this release that all zoomers don’t understand.

My favorite is when people who started playing after vanilla speak up and pretend like they understand what people are talking about.


Which is no different from right now. Most MC gear is garbage.

Hopefully this means locks (and I suppose filthy paladins too) get their epic mount quest lines in time for the p2 blood bath

Edit… Also people are making a way bigger deal out of this than needs be… Most classes only have 1-2 items different on their bis lists…

Even then, it’s not like anything remotely approaching bis is needed for clearing mc, or like mc gear is all that valuable regardless. This is overall a non issue. DM has done better items for a few slots, but it’s not so drastically above and beyond to get your panties in a bunch over

What’s worse, the players who have too much time or the forum users who have too much time to complain about it?

and this is bad because?

and how do you expect someone who can’t play more than 5-6 hour a week to not be behind? never unlock any new content?

Says the guy posting on a 111 retail toon. Obvious troll.

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And these pre raid blues will then be obsolete to DM gear.