Ding dong corruptions GONE!

Screaming with joy from the mountain tops!! The nightmare that was corruption has finally come to a close!!! Rejoice one and all!!!


As glad as I am to see it go away, it’s gonna take a little getting used to losing all that extra haste.


Yeah I really didn’t like the Corrupted armour, It seems like I get killed more from that Damn Eyeball showing up in the middle of a battle, decreasing my speed, then trying to get out of the Circle is almost impossible. I really didn’t like the corrupted stuff. Just seemed like I was punishing myself, and tryiing to get rid of it was not good either.


You could just cleanse the corruptions, no big deal.

That’s what I did on my alts. Just had to go a bit past the cloak to get some currency to pull it off.


and then be completely useless in real content!


I’m so excited for every class to feel like butt until SL drops, we hit max level, get geared, and wade our way through covenbindwhatevers.

So. Excited.


The real kicker is remembering your cloak can dispel those seconds after you die.

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Jokes on you. Most of our power comes from Azerite traits and those aren’t going away till shadowlands.


As long as I can still cosplay a dragon, the game goes on.

Most of my corruption was a joke anyway. I’m more going to miss the Heart of Darkness bonus on my azerite. Even with poo corruption at least my stats were a bit juiced.

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Yeet yeet corruption delete.

Couldn’t be happier to be rid of this system. No more having to worry about how much corruption to stack vs Corruption resistance from the Cloak.

And best of all, no more black goo covering my characters. It clashes with my transmog!


I will rejoice not being pressured into needing to have everything decked out in corruption. I look forward too that.

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I started doing this on my main toons a few weeks back. Figured I would go ahead and get used to things w/o any of the “perks.”

Careful, that sucker might break out!

All that unspent currency I will have.

That will still work. Its being changed to not require corruption.


I have an Afflock at 30% Haste and 44% Mastery unbuffed and I am still glad to see corruptions gone lol

But what will melee do in PVP if 30% of their damage isn’t coming from a completely passive DoT :frowning:

I miss my ineffable truth already :frowning:

I may actually set foot in arenas again now.
It was hilariously bad with corruptions imo.

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