Ding dong corruptions GONE!

Hell, if the biggest feature of PrePatch was getting rid of corruptions, I wish they rolled out PrePatch back in January.


I picture the community looking like the end of Return of the Jedi on all the planets after they hear about the death of the Emperor lol

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No. You had to run a horrific vision AND do some quests. The fact that mother supposedly enabled cleansing mid cloak acquisition then wouldn’t cleanse anything until well after getting the cloak always felt like an intentional insult, though I know it was more likely gross incompetence compounded with lack of quality control.

I had the cloak on a lot of alts. I never cleansed a single item, just used gear that didn’t put me over the limit. Most random corrupted gear was total trash anyway. It’s not like that first piece of corrupted gear that all my tanks got in the assault was remotely useful to my tanks, and certainly not worth cleansing, if every one got crit haste wrists with a garbage corruption. It was like it wasn’t even random, it was intended to be useless.

Really like your mog!

My DK alt is gonna be fun in this gap until SL. Sure I’ll miss my TD but now that everyone else has lost a tonne of their DPS Corruptions its going to be so hard to kill me in PVP.

Tanks! Warchief gotta look the best. :fox_face:

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Was only a nightmare in PVP with the offensive corruptions.

My stat stick corruptions gone means no more fun times with haste drug destro, no more invincible feeling vers tanking (for now)

Then again, no more mastery stacking fire mages ignite pulling everything than blaming the tank : )

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I liked the corruption system. It wasn’t perfect but it was nice to have some player agency (once the vendor was out).

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Corruption was an interesting ‘experiment’ but i’m glad Blizz took it out to the shed.

Next up on the Butcher Block: Covenants

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You’re at a disadvantage not using corruption with how broken it is.

Corruption in pvp is also terrible

I liked it too, it was just done really bad. Gonna miss my Gushing Wounds lol

And now most specs will play like trash

My favorite on my DH was Twilight Devastation and Infinite Stars
just going into a big group, and watch everything get annihilated when the corrupted gear procced.

[crawling out from underground bunker] mama
is it
over? :persevere:

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My fav was watching casters nuke themselves to death on damage reflect bosses.

Yeah I’m not going to miss the corruption.

I will not miss corruption either.

i never got any good corruptions, so not only is it gone, but i won’t feel after effects

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You still have that bonus

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And thank Yogg it’s gone.