Dimmed Primeval Water not dropping?

Folks in my realm offer up the things every single boss drop.

They are in a drop rate class where they can both be very common but also possible to get a long losing streak. They’re just mildly annoying sometimes. Keep at it, it should come. Also, when boss dies be ready to hit trade with someone yelling they got one they don’t need. Fast hands got me my water one.

This would be helpful if the trading for these weren’t still bugged. I’ve been present for several kills, no Primeval drop, and have been facing the “ineligible for loot” bug, which is ridiculous.

Bugged though, for many trades. So, don’t rely on the option to trade. Just happened to me with someone I was actually in a group with. Both fought the boss. Both looted. He got the dimmed fire, unable to trade with me - I saw his computer screen (sitting next to me) say “Only tradeable with players originally eligible for loot.”

That’s odd. First time I’ve heard of this happening.

I got mine day 1 from some random nice person from /1. Actually several people opened trade with me and it allowed them to trade, but I said to pay it forward.

Could just be last few days bad luck :confused:

Seems like a known issue. But, on to Dragonflight with fingers crossed