@dilly hunter

There seems to be something floating around apparently from ssds that a lot of people are referencing, as in pressing cobra shot over and over (same spell) is faster gcd than pressing cobra then a different one (lol this is news to me!)

“Bro ur pressing kill command too much” lol like what. Even on stream ppl are saying bro why are u pressing kill command, it’s as if they’re trolling but they actually aren’t.

Any monkey can see from looking at recount that my kill command avg 1800x2=3600 and cobra shot 2900 and max kc is 3800x2=7600 and max cobra is 7200. All while kill command moves ur pet and costs less focus.

The only thing I would say is vs something like a warrior sure kill command probably has less value but hunters cmon… don’t show y’all are that low iq that you can’t do hr own common sense. There’s a lot of hunters just not pressing kill command now too I noticed and I think it’s kinda silly.

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Yeah I’m not entirely sure about this either. I even watched an SSDS video from a day or 2 ago and he showed his recount for a game and it had like 30 something KC’s vs 70 something cobras so it’s not like he isn’t pressing it.

I don’t think dilly plays BM. Kill command is still worth pressing. It does slightly more damage, costs less focus, and charges your pet to the target.

You can simply press cobra shot if you want with minimal damage loss.

I don’t think it makes a huge difference either way.

He presses it to make pets connect to target faster

Part of it is because of animal companion

For a crit from kill command to be worth more than a cobra shot crit both parts of it have to crit

Let’s say a cobra shot crit for reference does 200 damage, and a kill command crit on both parts is 225, but one half of it is critting is 175

It’s just better to be cobra shotting in that case

Also because you’re venthyr and you stack as much haste as possible, your mastery values go down enough that the damage of kill command consistently gets worse whereas cobra shots value stays consistent. If you have any mastery kill command in general will have more value, but the more haste you have cobra shot will outweigh it

That’s what I got from 2 minutes of watching BM hunter gameplay anyways, can ask Ssds for the specific reasons but he generally theorycrafts really well and iirc this was part of it


the great scholars of the BM hunter civilization gather to unravel the complex mystery that is the BM hunter dps rotation


I thought I just had to mash my buttons harder. Maybe I wasn’t zug zug enough. I have huge forearms though. So clearly I’m winning. BM = Big Muscles


no no it’s bowel movement i don’t tink someone with terminal mudbutt is winning but i could be wrong on this


Am i reading wrong or there’s some people trying to imply that bm hunter has some kind of complexity?


While that specific scenario is true, is it also not just as true to assume that you’ll at the very least even that out if not edge ahead with kill command because it has two chances to crit while cobra shot doesn’t? That would leave me to believe that you’d have a higher chance to at least have one of two components crit unless there’s a mechanic I’m not aware of.

It only does slightly more if both parts crit

On average cobra shots value will be higher because it only requires one crit to outweigh the kill command, while the kill command needs two crits to overtake it only slightly, far less chances of that happening

Other parts are just pet ai things too I believe, outside of again mastery being low etc.

But if you want a more detailed answer you have to ask Ssds, I haven’t spent much time thinking about it

My point was that it also only does slightly less than a cobra crit if only one part crits while doing more against a non cobra crit and you have a higher chance of having at least one part crit than you do with only one “roll.”

I guess I’m saying you have a better chance at cobra criting than both parts of kc obviously however you have a better chance at kc having at least one component crit than you do cobra per button press. Is that wrong? I don’t care about bm play, I’m just more intrigued at the math portion at the moment.

There is no difference statistically between cobra crit on average vs kill command on average in a large sample.

Lets do some easy math…

Lets pretend each kill command which hits twice does the same damage as a cobra shot that hits once. (in reality kill command hits slightly harder, but lets make them equal for simplicity sake)

So…100 per shot for cobra and 50 damage per hit for kill command.

100 = 50x2 = 100

Now lets give them both a 50% crit chance. Once again for simplicity, lets make crits do 100% more damage. So a crit from a cobra shot can crit once, or hit for 200 damage instead of 100.

Over 100 kill shots, you’ll get on average 50 crits and 50 non-crits. So 5000 damage from 50 non-crits and 10,000 damage from 50 crits, or 15,000 damage total from 100 globals.

For 100 kill commands, you’ll actually get 200 hits (since it hits twice). On average, 100 non-crits for 50 damage each or 5,000 total, and 200 crits for 10,000 damage…total of 15,000 damage again for 100 globals.

Since in reality kill command both does MORE damage and costs LESS focus, it’s always worth casting.

Ideally you should have around 2 cobra’s per kill command in most games.

You can hit a regular target dummy and then subtract 15% from your kill command damage (since it’s decreased by that much in pvp) or just check logs after long fights.


Shh, just sit back and relax. Watch the beautiful minds that play Hunter decide if they need to push 1 button or 2.

Honestly though reading this made me feel like less of an ape. This is boardering on comedy.

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I play both warrior and BM hunter most seasons. The warrior skill cap is higher. I don’t think anyone would argue differently who has played both at a decent level.

The statement that

is statistically a false. Kill Command is always worth casting from a damage standpoint. It both does more damage and costs less focus. The difference is around 8 to 9% more damage per global when casting kill command.


That’s exactly what I was saying/implying. I just wanted dilly’s input :stuck_out_tongue:

I have only looked at this idea for a few minutes so I haven’t even sat there and theorycraftded anything myself

But I don’t really think ssds would have done anything incorrect with theorycraft, he pmuch always does everything optimal at least when it comes to doing the most damage

It’s likely a combination of multiple things together vs just one small thing, I only had a few things on the top of my head that would give more value for it

I still think it’s funny though that this is the most complex thing to theorycraft really

Yeah I mean, doesn’t make any sense to assume it’d be better dmg from crits and if it costs less focus, seems like a no brainer.

The simplicity of BM. Ahh

If this is true there’s gonna be a lot of BM Hunters swapping from playing with a NES controller to a SNES controller.


The focus cost part is really irrelevant though

I mean you’re able to maintain max focus while spamming cobra shot so that can’t be relevant for making KC more important

At the end of the day you’re going to be able to play BM hunter at a world class level pressing cobra shot only so idk why anyone even cares