Digital Deluxe = 110 boost?

If I have an account that's on Legion and I upgrade with the 20 dollar digital deluxe, does that give me a 110 boost as well?

Also, if I DO get the 110 boost, will that apply to ALL of my attached accounts, or only the one that I upgraded?

Thanks for clarification :)
10/30/2018 05:27 PMPosted by Daacey
If I have an account that's on Legion and I upgrade with the 20 dollar digital deluxe, does that give me a 110 boost as well?

No. The boost is included with Battle for Azeroth, regardless of if it is Standard, Collector's Edition or Digital Deluxe. Upgrading to Collector's or Digital Deluxe only adds the CE and DD benefits.

10/30/2018 05:27 PMPosted by Daacey
Also, if I DO get the 110 boost, will that apply to ALL of my attached accounts, or only the one that I upgraded?

If you were to upgrade a different WoW license with Battle for Azeroth you would receive a level 110 boost. That boost could be used on any qualifying WoW license on your account.

Is there a way to see when 24 hours is up for boost’s?

For this character

For you to see a timer, no. But I can tell you it’s 24 hours from the first moment you logged into the character, down to the minute. So let’s say you logged into them for the first time yesterday 20hours ago, you’d have 4 more hours down to the minute.

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ok thank you


What’s the 24 hours for? Is that when you can play the boosted character? If so I did a lvl 110 boost and was able to log in after about 5-10 minutes… am I missing something?

It’s a cooldown that you must wait out before using the boost after purchasing it, sometimes it doesn’t take that long.

It’s a fraud prevention measure.

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The only 24 hour boost timer is for entering dungeons from previous expansions. The boost shows up once the payment has cleared and the character is playable once the boost completes, which is pretty much instant.

The reason there’s a cool down on older content is to prevent malicious parties from taking advantage of the service and later charging it back (or using stolen credit card info).


You should check your advertising, because it was listed under the “goodies” when I clicked on it and bought the upgrade, for that single reason. i was refused a refund or to have the boost applied, so I am having my credit card company reverse the charge.

I’m sorry for the confusion, Atari, but I"m not aware of anywhere on the page that indicates that a level boost is listed under the rewards for the Digital Deluxe.


If it is showing differently somewhere else, please link me to the URL so I can take a look.

While most digital purchases are non-refundable we still do allow for some, if we are contacted soon after the purchase is made. From what I can see, Atari, you made the original purchase back on the 10th, it’s been over 2 weeks, which is well outside any kind of refund period we may have.

Understand, that if you are successful in using a chargeback option with your card holder that may negatively impact access to the account itself since there would be a deficit. I’d caution against doing any such thing.


It’s on the page you screenshotted, right above where you cropped it. The issue, once I did some digging, is that you direct people to that page from the in-game shop when they click on the upgrade button. If the items are not included, having them listed on that page is at best misleading.

A quick google search led me to around 50 results from people who thought the same thing, but many of them thought to ask first. There are results in the forums from nearly a year ago, and 11 times since then of people asking about that, so I find it hard to believe that you just didn’t realize people were interpreting it the way I was.

The person I chatted with today would not answer my question: “How many tickets have they gotten about this issue, and over what timeframe?” They threatened me with a ban if I didn’t stop “harassing” the GMs about this, but that’s a legitimate question. In fact, if you do what I was trying to suggest (the GM closed the chat in my face), you would probably avoid getting further tickets about it.

The credit card company understandably wants people to try to resolve this type of thing directly with the vendor before resorting to a reversal of the charge. My attempts to resolve the issue were met each time with a rude, dismissive and finally threatening demeanor. It was very unprofessional, and completely in keeping with my previous experiences with Blizzard employees.

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Why would the GM need to know that sort of thing and what makes you think that it’s something that they’d provide you anyway? Nor does finding 50 threads out of millions of sales mean that it’s some sort of attempt to fool people.

Vrak cropped the section that provides the specifics for the digital upgrade portion.

That’s when you know it’s time to let it go. They’re not going to provide you with that. And instead of additional tickets, you’re going to eventually find that your account has been further actioned up to a possible permanent closure.

You made an assumption and were unfortunately wrong. Perhaps it’s time to take some ownership for your decision?


Above that crop are the features of the standard edition of the game. Then, there’s a line drawn to delineate that from what’s below: the features of the Digital Deluxe Edition.

That’s not really any of our business, Åtari.


Where I cropped it says specifically Digital Deluxe Edition. Anything above it is part of the normal expansion, the page itself lists both the Standard and Digital Deluxe Editions, which you then select which one you wish to purchase.

Yes, it happens. There are also very large portions of the community that aren’t confused by the page layout. If you wish to provide feedback you’ll want to post in the Blizzard Shop Feedback forum so that our Dev and Web teams can see it.

That wouldn’t be information that our Support staff would have, let alone be authorized to give to you.

They didn’t threaten you, Atari. They warned that additional contact could be considered harassment. This is after approximately 6-7 contacts in under 48 hours, which included a contact from a manager.

I’m sorry you feel so, but reviewing the responses you have received I don’t see that. We were simply unable to grant you the request you made, primarily because the request was well outside the refund limit we are able to grant.

Again, I am sorry that we were unable to help in this situation.