Difficulty seeing the new quest marks

Is there any way to use the old yellow question signs on npc’s? I have a lot of difficulty seeing the blue dailies in the middle of the blue names. TIA.


Yes!! the purple ones too. It may be because I have a astigmatism so the light affects me but it is extremely hard to see them.
I did see some mention they are testing a changed for ‘clarity’ so I hope it helps us both my friend!
(Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the post and it’s in the last section after all of the class changes)
Got my fingers :crossed_fingers:t3:


My poor old eyes for sure have a problem telling the difference between a “!” and a “?” for blue daily quests. This is more of a suggestion, though, and should probably go into General Discussion or the in-game Suggestion option.


I also have problems seeing the light blue dailies, and the ? and ! are not distinguished by my eyes.


I am with you all! I have a lot of trouble seeing the new quests. Worst for me is the Flight Paths. I have wasted a ridiculous amount of time trying to find them even when they are in front of me. I can not for the life of me see that green they selected and I am not colorblind! I even went into the options to see if there was something I could to do to change it but I did not find anything.


A friend pointed out that the map icons for raid and dungeon are also now quite hard to distinguish, even if they’re right next to each other. Look at someplace like Icecrown Citadel. I guess I should send this to the accessibility team. (This particular one doesn’t affect me hugely because first I would have to remember which is which, and I always forget, so seeing different colors only helps in really limited circumstances.)


You are right about the proper team to send it to, and/or the WoW Devs. I just keep thinking it is my own fault and that I am missing a setting somewhere. How can the contrast have gotten so bad that I can’t see anything?

Am I that old? Is there an addon or game option I am missing :frowning:


I was going to say I reported this as a bug, but I don’t think we’re talking about the same thing. What my bug report was, was if an NPC has both a yellow quest, and a blue daily/repeatable quest, only the blue ! will show on the NPC. If you know the quest is there you can still grab it, but (particularly with the LW quest NPC at the Darkmoon Faire) a new player may not even know he has any quest other than the repeatable.