Difficulty of buying gametime

I already made a ticket but this is absurd.
TLDR - I don’t have a debit card atm, and Blizzard hates poor people.

When I logged off today (roughly 6am) the battle.net client said I had 1 day of game time left. Okay no problem - I’ll look into buying a token when i log on later.
Fast forward 4 hours - I no longer have time left. Maybe this is on me, but I feel like it used to count down the hours.

So I then open a ticket to see if I can get like an hour to compile gold for a token. I didn’t want to wait 24 hours though for a response, so I ran to the store. Of course the store didn’t have any 1 month cards, so I bought a $20 balance card instead.

Applied my code, went to buy 1 month of time. Nope. Blizz only sells a minimum of 2 months now. Ok, seems dumb but I guess I can spend an extra $5 to buy myself a token and then redeem said token. Again, nope, gotta buy from the in-game store. Log on lvl 10 character to do so - LOLNOPE requires active subscription to purchase.


Are you not given the option to use your gold at the character select screen?

Edited to add (this is an older screenshot, but still shows the option):


No 1 character has the entire gold amount needed atm. I thought I had at least 24 hours to move stuff around still

If it is on one realm group it will take for all.

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So long as the gold is on one realm (or the same connected realm cluster) and not contained within a guild bank, then it should pull the gold from everyone on that same realm (or cluster).

However, it will not work if doing so would zero out a character’s gold.


Nah I have pets and stuff I could’ve tossed on AH if I really had to, but the main plan would’ve been trading classic gold for retail gold

again the whole point is the client told me I had 1 day left which implies 24+ hours. This would be a non issue if A - the client updated to say how many hours I had left, B - blizzard still sold game time in 1 month increments or C - blizzard allowed you to buy tokens with money without an active subscription

My advice is to go back to the store you got the $20. Card and put $20 more on it.
Best we can offer for now.

It is always best to check your account management section to get an accurate date & time for your game time to expire.


Just click MANAGE for the relevant WoW license and it will show you the correct and updated info.

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Mine has a count down timer right below my PLAY button.
12 days …

And hovering your mouse over that gives a more detailed description of the time.

However, we have found there can be discrepancies with the launcher’s info. Hence why I suggested the account management section.


Sorry to hear it, Paronomasia. We are often able to provide a day or so of game time if you need to get things in order. Unfortunately, queue times are a little high, so it may take a bit to get to your request.

That is strange. From what I can see your game time would have expired 7/21 at 20:09 UTC, which was 1:09 PM PDT yesterday. I’m not sure how you were still playing around 6 am, but perhaps the system allowed for a bit of grace time.

I’m afraid those are not available outside of a subscription or from WoW Tokens.

We do. You said you didn’t have enough gold though and planned to sell things on the Auction House. That is a bit different from just “buying tokens with money”.

If you had enough gold across multiple characters on a single realm you’d be able to purchase a wow token for game time through the character select screen. You seem to have characters on multiple realms and none of them have enough for a token right now. Sorry.


I actually did check the account overview page last night and all it said was Active. I did not go to the games and subscriptions tab though.

@Vrakthris no for ‘C - if blizzard allowed you to buy tokens with money without an active subscription’ the big point is WITH MONEY. I could buy myself a token right now with battle.net balance, but for whatever reason theres that caveat of already needing a subscription.

Also, interesting about my game time actually running out hours before I finally logged out. I know for a fact it used to warn you in game around like 2hrs, 1hr, 45mins, 30mins, 15mins, 5mins that you were about out of time.

The tokens you buy for monkey is meant to be used to get gold. The ones you get off the ah is meant for bnet account money or game time. It’ll be really redundant to have that, as the token on the log in screen use gold. There isn’t a real workaround to getting a month of time without using a card or a token.


@Vrakthris no for ‘C - if blizzard allowed you to buy tokens with money without an active subscription’ the big point is WITH MONEY. I could buy myself a token right now with battle.net balance, but for whatever reason theres that caveat of already needing a subscription.

@tolna just sounds like another example of Blizzard making it harder for customers to give them money to me then lol

Ah, my mistake, Paronomasia, I thought you meant gold.

That isn’t how the WoW Tokens work. The point of them is to allow those players who have more money than time to purchase the WoW Tokens and sell them on the AH for gold. And those who tend to have more time than money to exchange their gold for the WoW Token on the AH to be used for game time or Battle.net Balance.

Buying them directly for money really doesn’t make sense and would be nearly the same as purchasing a 30 day block of time. Since those are not available, we wouldn’t really offer a different way to buy the thing that was removed.

I am sorry that you are having difficulties with this. Hopefully you can request some game time and that will allow you to get things in order to grab a WoW Token off the Auction House.


After 3 days of waiting, the GM refused to acknowledge

Despite being easily verifiable - and refused to acknowledge the client not updating to reflect actual time left.

I have not resubbed yet and will continue to stay unsubbed after this experience. Never felt so devalued as a customer.

They also completely disagreed with this ‘often’ being the case. “With that being said, we do not typically provide free game time though there might be situations in which we can make an exception. Looking over your account, we are unable to make an exception for you in this case and will be unable to provide you with any free game time.” M8 I asked for an HOUR because it’d take not even 10 minutes to rectify this…

They usually give a day, maybe 2, as a one time exception. It is not a set policy. From the answer you received it sounds like you were already granted this in the past. I’m sorry you felt like they were refusing to acknowledge your concern, to me though it sounds like they did so. Sometimes they do have to say no.


Sometimes they have acknowledge the errors of their game too. Especially ones they voluntarily point out like Vrakthris did.

There’s a different between acknowledging something and being able to do something. If they granted someone game time, it’s normally a one time thing and isn’t a means to get gold out of somewhere when the person needs it repeatedly.

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And vrak would also tell u if u found a bug post in the bug forums or if u feel a change needs to be made post in the apropriate forums not the CS forum. Right forums would be quest forums.

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