Difficulty increase for tier 4+ delves

M+ is still better for crests.

I’m glad they aren’t. That would be so insubstantial. You’d spend as much time flying to the next delve as you would completing it.

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Yeah, that “5-10 mins super quick bite-sized mini-adventure” thing sure didn’t age well. Hell, I’m pretty sure it takes most classes the better part of 5 minutes just to walk from entrance to treasure room.

My 620+ Ret Pally would be hard-pessed to do even a faceroll T1 Delve in 10 minutes. The T8s she normally does are more in the 15-20 minute range for most varients.

They are not “bite-sized” and in fact take basically just as long as your average not-Mythic+ dungeon.


And? Doesn’t really change the fact you like to shoot your mouth off when it comes to delves acquisition.

Yeah, really don’t know what people are expecting when tackling what’s meant to be harder in terms of difficulty when going up in tiers.

Thank goodness I don’t even do delves, so this doesn’t affect me.

Well, I did do them a long time ago, and they were a pain past 6+, but I dun play retail much anymore, so have at it and congrats.

I’m confused, didn’t they nerf delves due to making the upper tracks grant crests and etc. now? I’m pretty sure I read a post stating that they wanted to reign it in due to delves past 8 being challenge mode delves essentially for this season. Yet due to the upcoming seasonal changes nerfed then to make them more accessible?

A lot of you here are misinterpreting what Blizzard said. This is the typical seasonal increase that quite literally almost all content receives every new season.

T9-T11’s are actually being made easier compared to Season 1.


The only other change they need to make, to put delves on par with M+, is to ensure failing a Delve still awards you a mythic raid ilvl vault slot a few tiers above the Delve you failed.

They are increasing the difficulty from S1 difficulty to S2 difficulty just like dungeon and raid difficulty increases between seasons. Unfortunately this is GD, so people are too busy having an ill-informed emotional reaction to realize this is both routine and expected.


Not a chance, on top of having to listen to the QQ from the other pillars you can forget about it.

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I’m glad a few others brought it up, but I’ll echo these few by saying that I’m pretty sure any ‘difficulty increase’ is just the transition from S1 to S2. 658 is the new 619 in S2, so take a look at your own ilvl and figure what delves will look like for you relative to that benchmark.

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Ohhhhhh that’s what’s their mad about, yeah makes sense then.

Doesn’t sound bad, not sure if they mean the actual difficulty of the delve or just adjusting numbers to match new gear tho lol.

But if you can rofl along a M+ and fail the timer, but still get awarded not only a GV slot, but a GV slot with boosted ilvl (which no other content in the game awards) - why not reward similar for failing a delve?

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Don’t you? I’ve never completed a delve with no lives remaining, but I figure completing it would still give vault progress. You just lose out on the treasure room, right?

You don’t get super-inflated ilvl loot from the GV for failing the delve though.

I get it, I was smashing 8s on a blood DK that recently hit 80, in 586ish gear and a 42 healer brann. The more gear I get, the easier the delves get. The only “oh crap” moments were created by me over pulling. The definition of face roll.

The game needs challenging encounters to make it fun. What it doesn’t need is difficulty tuned so high it bars entry to some, we shall see if they “key tune” the 4 and ups.

Honestly? I found T11 Delves to be harder than Zekky ??. So many things can go wrong to the point that you’re just dead. Overpull, dead. Miss an interrupt, dead. Brann not feeling like tossing potions, dead. Tragedy of human error, dead.

And that’s before the pretty tough minibosses that show up, often right in the way of where you need to go. All on limited lives, whereas you can slam your face against Zekky all day, gold providing.

It’s sounding like they’re adding a more gradual difficulty curve. As it stands you can go to Siren Isle, get decked out in full Vets, run T8s and get Champ’d out pretty quickly. Then T9 onwards was such a sharp spike up that they weren’t worth doing.

So T4-T8 will be a bit tougher than they are now, but the spike between T8 and T9 will be lessened. That seems to be the intent here and I think, overall, that will be good.

Delves are an end-game pillar, gear is going up for season 2, so delves increase in line with the gear increase - not sure why this is a surprise.

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This is what killed delves for me. Boring health sponges that take way too long to kill, and never really threatened me.

Throw in exceedingly obnoxious “breath” mechanics and I checked out the second I no longer needed the gear.