Difficulty increase for tier 4+ delves

They will be now

Closer doesnt mean close

Hoping things are more mechanically involved and less numerically. :sweat_smile:

Still, I worry they might go off the rails with minibosses and have another Anub’vir that had 5 whooping adds to deal with lol.

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T11s were out of range for many solo/delve only players. They were just “easy” for mythic raiders and top end M+ers.

So they will remain a challenge for the intended audience while remaining a faceroll for you, who are not the intended audience.

Unfortunately this means more difficulty in the range for people who only do delves because it helps them gear for other content while decreasing the difficulty for people who actually enjoy the challenge range.


So is CE for most raiders. Thats the point of a “challenge” mode.

Because solo content can only be so hard.

Solo players have always asked for hard solo content but then say its not supposed to be hard?

It’s a “be careful what you wish for” moment for people who “are forced” to do delves for other content. While being essentially a blessing for everyone else.

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You weren’t trashed on for the ideas. You were trashed on for the way you presented them.

You and I both come across poorly to others. Me, because I’m blunt and they don’t like facts. You, because you tend to sound elitist and annoyed by persons on a lower level of content than you.

It’s why you and I bicker. Even though I have no issues with you. lol


This is a fair assessment imo.

Most people were not trashed for the idea. They were trashed for the “you’re bad and should never get anything” approach to presenting those ideas.

Ehh I would disagree but at the end of the day it doesnt matter.

I dont understand this because I dont care if people choose to only do delves or heroic raiding.

The only time I generally have an issue is when they try to sound informed on content they dont do or blame everything but themselves.

I also dont have issues with you.

I dont recall ever calling anyone “bad” because of delves.

The point wasn’t that you called people bad. But you come across as if they’re trash playing lower content that doesn’t deserve anything.

Oh look, Delves getting messed with in the name of M+. Gotta love it.

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So people are reading things im not saying because thats how they feel


I mean

I could keep going, but I’ll stop there.

Your points on difficulty are usually pretty condescending, as well. Delve players come in all shapes and sizes. But for those that only play Delves and aren’t Mythic raiders
 this is their challenge pillar. It may not be a challenge for you, but it is for others. And that doesn’t really deserve for them to basically get belittled in some way.

I know your viewpoint is different from where you sit. And that’s fine. We all have our opinions. It’s just we come across that ends up being a problem sometimes.

I’m not trying to call you out. I’m sorry if I irritated you with this post. I’m just giving examples of where the problems are. Just like when Fuzz points out to me when I’m being too blunt. :slight_smile:


I’ll do them on my rogue. You can tricks of the trade permanently to Bran and idk how tank Bran will perform

Lol, that comment aged like milk. :laughing:


Sure, make it more difficult for new people coming along. It’s about the only thing that makes the wana-be top end game players who are not quite there feel like they are worth anything.


Played PTR and Pretty sure tank Brann doesn’t really do healing, even to himself. It probably won’t end well.

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More importantly - did they up that from 2850?

  • The War Within Keystone Legend: Season 2
    • Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 3000
    • Awards the Enterprising Shreddertank mount

If it’s just the seasonal bump, we’d expect about 40% more HP and damage. Anything beyond that is what I’d actually call a difficulty bump.

Tbf they were pretty easy. I mean
 I was clearing +8 delves, solo, in the 560-580 ilvl range on multiple different classes (priest, rogue, warrior, mage, evoker, etc.) And that was within the first month of them being live. I welcome the increase in “challenge.”

I just wish that they would have made it so that it was 1 delve to unlock the slot instead of 2. Once Daddy Zek stopped giving vault slots, I stopped doing my army of alts lol which ultimately lead me to just not playing for the last like two and a half months.