Blizzard wants to slow someone down? Slow down the people rushing to get to Mythic Raid content, they are the ones going too far, too fast. Make the game more difficult for players trying to get world first; punishing casual players does absolutely nothing to slow the pace of the game, it just eliminates subscriptions.
Why do you want to punish the casual players, they will give up. Right now I look at cool stuff I wanted last expansion, instead of paying $25.00 USD for a floating ship mount, I can get it for $12.50. I’m not buying a mount, or companion, or even wow tokens because I’m not even certain I will pay for next month’s subscription.
Point is…
Mythic Dungeons are tuned to be more difficult, a great example is Sanguine depths. I CAN get over this, I have done Heroic raids before, I know how to get out of stuff, switch targets, misdirect as needed, trap, and interrupt. Where it turns wrong, (and EVIL!) is where the drop rate is dismal too. I have absolutely no motivation to progress any further, actually no motivation to even do the content I have already cleared.
This lack of motivation, is what will cause me to skip buying next months subscription.
casual players who clear lfr disagree about the rest of us needing gear
i love how my class is still 190 with blue trinkets despite me running like 200 m+ so far timing tens with blue quest trinkets might just put a dps one on lol
You need a history lesson to see what happened here, and why this was Blizzard’s response.
With the introduction of BFA, Blizzard removed “tier-sets” from raids. The Tier gear was historically your BiS because the set bonuses were too strong to pass up. This necessitated that people raided for their gear because without the tier they would wildly underperform. When Blizzard removed the tiers from raiding they removed the necessity to raid. Now, the best gear in the game came from Mythic+ dungeons. They didn’t require 20 people, were easily scheduled, were repeatable (i.e. spammable) and you could very easily target your stat priorities by running the specific dungeons that dropped the specific pieces best for your spec. Suddenly, raiding was sort of obsolete. That’s not great, Blizzard spends a lot of development time (i.e. money) on creating raid content and they intend for this to be the crown jewel of endgame.
The best answer to the BFA-conundrum would’ve been to reintroduce tier-sets into the game as raid loot to reincentivize people to start raiding (long after their mere AOTC 3 weeks into the expansion). Instead, they opted for the WORSE options and just absolutely gutted Mythic+ loot frequency AND item level.
Mythic+ will essentially become the “once-weekly” chore you do for the vault reward between your raid logging instead of a really cool and competitive alternative end-game gear avenue that it once was.
This is intended. Blizzard did this intentionally.
You need a history lesson? you piss off people, they don’t re-sub.
I was gone from Warlords of Draenor until July 2020. They lost $900.00 in subscription fees from me alone. How many more have left since Cataclysm?!? I know for a fact they were at 12 Million paid subscribers at the start of that expansion, as it progressed the numbers dropped, until they stopped reporting subscription numbers; subs dropped from 12 down to 8 Million!
They can do whatever they want. But I would recommend anyone who is invested in Blizzard’s success (Activision Shareholders) to realize what developers are doing to subscription numbers.
And they will drop to 6mil by January and 4mil by April and 2mil two months before the next expansion, like always. WoW is no longer designed to retain large numbers of subscribers indefinitely. It is bubbles, now. Shadowlands was the most pre-ordered expansion in WoW history. They got their money. They might get another bubble before the next raid tier releases. They’ll get a big bubble when they release Classic TBC, and they’ll bleed subs all the way through the last content drought leading up to whatever expansion is next.
I’m sure they’re prepared for the slide. It happened in Legion, it happened (real bad) in BFA. It’s part of the expansion life cycle, my friend. You bought Shadowlands and you bought 1-2 months of game time. They got you. Unsubbing now is predicted and accounted for.
Because Blizzard allows realm 1st players free rein, they let every mythic raider cruise through content, and only after the best players have achieved their goals do they start actually nerfing content.
Im not even asking for nerfs, just to make the content worth the effort. For Mythic raiders it is worth the effort, because this content is just a stepping stone they will quickly grow out of.
Maybe instead of nerfing everyone, they should put a hardcore mode where you have to select it in the before you start the season, and it is the only way to achieve world 1st or realm 1st achievements. Those who work on this type of achievement would suffer with reduced drop rates and increased difficulty. And as a payoff, they can earn special titles or unique legendary gear for completing top-tier mythic raids.
Bottom line, there are ways to slow down players without running off subscribers.
Yeah, Im getting real tired of Blizzard punishing everyone for the very small minority.
World first raiders dont even need to have a hard time, the overwhelmingly vast majority of people are not even on par with them. Why is blizzard putting in ANY changes for them at all? So what if they beat your raid in a few weeks, no one cares. Wow isnt an esport and never will be, stop trying to make it one.
Im also sick of them making changes to classes based on PVP. Or ignoring hybrid classes because they have one good spec. OMG, your tank spec is good just play that.
This was the inevitable result of catering to Try-hard min maxers.
I honestly hope they make it harder and have even less rewards until eventually the entire system fails and we can go back to something that is not 55 levels of difficulty.
Yea I’m getting super burnt out with these reward nerfs.
Haven’t gotten a single piece from 10/10n raid past two weeks, haven’t gotten a piece from the heroic raid bosses I killed each week, have ran 40 m+ with only 2 upgrades (15 of which were mists since there are 4 upgrades in there but not 1 has dropped in 15 runs). I have only gained 1 ilvl in 10 days and that was because of the vault selection. With these loot nerfs I’m finding it hard to justify spending time in this game where I can spend full-time weeks with no progress.
They need to stop designing this game around high end players as it is simply not fun to spend this much time with no reward. I spend so much gold on flasks and food and 100+ hours doing raids and m+ with no upgrade. This is so disrespectful to players time.
Based on the common sentiment wouldn’t be surprised if they did increase loot levels. At the same time I think I’m getting used to it.
Already have a strategy for gearing. Stick to keys you know your party is going to time, replace what you can. Select players who will mutually benefit (multi-leather etc).
By now in BfA I was already heroic geared now myself and guild are between 10-20 ilvl lower than full heroic. On the plus side the trajectory is still there, just need the time.
Mythic dungeons are actually much easier this expansion, people were clearing M0 in week 1 with 155 (sub-normal) gear. There are no hard dps-check bosses like Vol’zith, Viq’goth, and Unbound Abomination, no complicated routes with multiple skips like in Freehold or Waycrest, and no annoying multiple-add fights like Azerokk and Redhook. The mechanics of each fight matter far more than the minimum gear thresholds this time around, and the dungeons aren’t so bloated with unnecessary trash that rogues and invisibility potions are almost mandatory. It’s fantastic.
My sub is canceled only reason I have game time is because recruit a friend. But I’m done with this expansion rn, not everyone wants to play this game like it’s a job.