I’ve taken a break from WoW for a while (shortly after the release of Shadowlands). However, since my return - I’ve been having way more trouble finding RP.
I have tried walk-ups in the Valley of Honor and different places in Orgrimmar. However, my character never really seems to “click”. Many people roleplaying in these hotspots belong to the same guild or are friends with each other, making it difficult to fit in.
I have tried searching for guilds by using both the in-game guild finder and trade chat. I’ve been getting 0 invites using trade chat. On the other hand, I’ve been receiving many invites with the in-game guild finder… But they’re all dead? I’ve joined guilds with well over 500 members using this method, with only two online at a time - even at peak hours.
I want some advice for finding active RP guilds and how to engage in walk-ups to make more connections. Maybe some more information about the in-game “RP hotspots” would be great too. The only ones I know of are Valley of Honor and Silvermoon City.
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The best bet is just trying to find a guild that is recruiting, there are post on the forums and you can usually see them go up in chats or recruiting IC in the VoH.
Sadly I feel that is just how it is now. Personally it’s driven me off of rping in wow completely at the moment. The rp scene has been on a steady decline as of late in my eyes, or maybe it’s just me. RP outside of guilds and friends is very samey and not super easy to get into anymore, and people don’t spread out as much. I used to love rping in silvermoon over org, but it’s a ghost town with maybe like a dozen people there at peak hours. I feel as if the general state of the game is finally starting to take it’s toll on the rp scene.
Don’t let me be all doom and gloom though. Even though walk-up is not the greatest, guild rp can still be really fun and engaging. You just need to find one that fits you and that you enjoy.
I mailed a few recruiting guild leaders today, I hope I can find one worth contributing to (I’m yet to hear back from them).
I totally agree though, walk-up RP is on a decline. I used to be able to find good walk-up RP all over the map - and even RP events via trade chat.
I sure hope this improves, but for now, I think I’m going to look at this post for advice + try to get in-contact with a few RP guild leaders.
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I wish you luck on your efforts, hopefully you can find a guild to fit in with. If nothing else there will be a surge of players once 9.1 drops so hopefully rp will crop up more.
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I’ve had similar issues recently, best thing I’ve done to find RP is just going to rp events that are usually advertised here. Only issue is the frequency of them, but they’ve all been fun experiences.
(yes, my forum main is an MG toon. Tym also exists on WrA, where I mainly play these days - just to head that off at the pass)
I floundered around seeking walkup RP or a suitable guild for years, halfway gave up looking, and decided to start a guild of my own, catering to the weird niche of light RP, social, mature themes and so on that was the sort of thing I was looking for.
If you have been in trade, you likely have seen my facetiously cringey guild ad for Felheart. That was just at the start of the year. What most don’t know, and what surprised me, is that wacky ad has actually helped my guild gain traction.
We have 75 members, over 50 accounts. Only a small fraction of that are particularly active, but that’s still about a dozen people, on various alts, happily RPing at our weekly in-game event, and on a post-as-you-can basis on Discord.
(No, it’s not quite as naughty as I make it sound.)
But my advice: If you aren’t finding the guild or community you want, make your own. Don’t be afraid to tailor it to ask for what you hope to find. Catch-all guilds are okay, but a focus makes better story. Best of luck.
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Sometimes walk up RP can be hard, depending on the time of day or people you run into. I personally get that. There are a few things I can suggest if you are looking for a good RP guild or RP interactions. Watch for RP events being listed here on the forums, whether they are neutral or Horde aligned events. Second if you use Discord I would suggest looking at joining some of the communities that exist for social networking and advertising LFRP and even guilds advertising themselves.
In fact on April 25th there is a huge Horde guild recruitment fair going on. The thread for this is right here: [H- RP Event] Attention, Horde Guild Seekers!
The Wyrmrest Accord discord is located at https://discord.gg/nhYgPEZ
. And if you want to see more check out: https://wyrmrest.fandom.com/wiki/Discord_Servers
I wish you the best of luck in your hunt for a guild and RP. I promise it’s out there!
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I think the number one thing that has put me off RP - and I RP (or try to) on most of my characters, both Horde and Alliance, and it happens on both sides - is people with notes all over their TRP talking about how much they love walk-up, want walk-up, pleasepleaseohplease walkup and inevitably if you attempt to initiate walk up random RP with them, they react like you just tossed a dead fish at their feet and invited them to eat it. Last night Alliance side I ran across a person with a note indicating both player and character were friendly and really wanted walk up. I walked up and made a passing comment to invite interaction, got a very awkward reply, and the person then mounted up and flew off. And that’s a best case scenario - I’ve also gotten snarled at, told to get lost, and called names both IC and OOC. Bleh.
It’s kind of to the point where “walk-up loved” is a red flag to avoid.
Random, fun walk up RP is my favorite kind (and I will ALWAYS react with friendliness and politeness) but getting my face bitten off has discouraged me a lot on it. It’s sad to me, because I enjoy interacting with people; I’ve done WoW RP since Vanilla and I miss it, but I’m enough on the shy side that consistent negative reactions have become a huge disincentive.
I had more or less the same issue before I stopped. Despite how often you would see the “Walk-ups loved!” They never really were. I stopped initiating completely it got so bad, and just let people come to me. Which as you may know, means you will likely not get any rp at all.
Can’t even pretend for a second to guess why this is, but in the words of a certain orc “Times change.” I guess.
There was definitely a change between when I came back last year in BfA vs what I experienced in my brief return with Shadowlands. Last year walk-up didn’t seem quite so closed off and hostile. A lot of the Orgrimmar ‘scene’ just seems like a handful of individuals that want to show how ‘good’ they are at RPing but don’t actually want others to get involved.
Like last year I was just chilling in Thunder Bluff and had plenty of walk-up RP with others. It never amounted to much but it was still fun. Now it just feels a little toxic and with it all in Orgrimmar now (like seriously what the heck spread out a bit people how can you even keep track of what is happening) it’s just not appealing.
Especially if you don’t or can’t use add-ons.
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OP I’m so sorry you’re having this experience. If you want I can pop on tomorrow night on my Ogre warrior character and hangout! Anyone else is welcome to join if they want.
I have the sudden urge to bring a night elf rogue into Silvermoon and shadowmeld atop that boar head in the tavern near the entrance, just to see if anyone is there and RPing.
I TOTALLY feel that.
9/10 people in Orgrimmar write “walk-ups welcome” or something along those lines in their TRP, though completely ignore you. It’s super strange.
As much as people might want to roleplay and interact with people, getting over the first hurdle of actually approaching someone is often the worst part about it–so it turns people off completely and they expect others to walk up to them in order to get any form of interaction.
There’s not enough time in the day for some people. They’ll often just log in, stand around not doing anything, then log off before anything meaningful might happen–and various reasons attribute to this, such as a busy real life, chores they have to do, a general disinterest in the game itself, or even just an existential crisis happening in their minds in which they wonder what they’re even doing or why they’re even playing anymore.
These things just happen.
OP I’ll be on today at 5 ST, I’ll be by the Wyvern’s Tail. Anyone else is welcome to join!
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Double post but I’m online in the Wyvern’s Tail, if you’re struggling to find RP let’s make it!