Different Talents in the Same Macro with the Same Modifier

Hi All!

I’ve been trying this silly project where I’m trying to, on my monk, include all defensive abilities on the same key within the same macro. While this has been mostly a smooth journey, I’ve hit an interesting roadblock I need help with. I’m using a macro that includes modifier conditionals, nomod, Shift, ctrl, and alt. I’m trying to find a way to make it so that my talent defensives, Diffuse Magic and Dampen Harm, can fit on the same modifier (in my case, the shift modifier. Is there a way to make it possible that I can press Shift+G and use the talented ability, without having to swap out the skill names everytime I change talents?

Here is my current macro:
/cast [nomod] Touch of Karma; [mod:shift, Talent:5/2] Diffuse Magic; [mod:shift, Talent:5/3] Dampen Harm; [mod:ctrl] Fortifying Brew; [mod:alt] Zen Meditation

This macro works great! Only if I have Diffuse Magic talented. If I have Dampen Harm talented, the macro has the red “?” and won’t cast anything when I press Shift+G.

Any help or suggestions on how to make this happen, if at all possible? Thanks in Advance!

From some quick testing, it looks like the “talent” conditional is case sensitive, so swapping to a lower case “t” should solve the problem.

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I am in shock that this actually fixed it. That’s what I get for not thinking capitalization would be an issue. Thank you very much!

Also recommend moving the nomod condition to the end, saves space.

/cast [mod:shift,talent:5/2] Diffuse Magic; [mod:shift,talent:5/3] Dampen Harm; [mod:ctrl] Fortifying Brew; [mod:alt] Zen Meditation; Touch of Karma

If you want some more examples (they’re a bit out of date)