Didn't receive loot please help

I won a loot roll on Queen Ansurek Normal for Formula Enchant Weapon Authority of the Depths and it never appeared in my bags or mail. Boss was killed right after 11PM CST. I have screenshots to prove I won the loot roll.

Did you stay in the instance until the roll ended


They don’t accept screenshots, only their own logs.

GMs are unable to assign you loot that you think was due to you. Here’s a page on that:

If you think that you should’ve gotten the loot from the Postmaster, here’s an article on that:

If you think a bug happened, here are the methods to report it, but it’s not two-way communication. It just puts it in front of Blizzard to see if there’s a problem that they can prevent in the future:


I didn’t, but I googled if you will still obtain loot after leaving the raid instance and all sources have said yes, you do.

The Postmaster will not send the following loot to your in-game mail:

  • Bind on Equip items

Are you sure it doesn’t fall into that category?

It was a Formula Enchant. An item that you use.

Authority of the Depths? That’s effectively BoE.


It is able to be sold on the auction house, so the same rules should apply.


Yeah, thank you for that, but how/why would it be treated differently than any other BoE or consumable?

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If you left before everyone had rolled on it, it’s also possible someone beat your roll, or tied. If there was a tie the system rerolls and it’s possible that other user won.

Though I’d agree and the enchant likely falls under the BoE rules.

I don’t usually stick around inside a raid once I’ve rolled, but if it’s a piece of gear I desperately want, I will hang out until the winner has actually been determined and loot passed out.


So I ended up receiving the Enchant in the mail 4 days later. Why did this happen?

Long weekend + government holiday?

Whatever the reason, I’m glad you got the enchant. Weird situation, but a happy outcome.


I guess the WoW client took a vacation.