Didn’t know about this data site

SAS Institute studied age, gender, choice of faction in world of Warcraft.

It’s highly detailed based on surveys from WoWhead and discords.

I’m not posting the .pdf because I want people to know it’s a trusted site. After all, it’s a company located in my state. Regardless, It’s the first link.

Some take aways. 2000+ players

  1. More women use the forum
  2. 50 to 57 old largest percent of players gaming over other games **
  3. Older players choose Alliance
  4. Mean age = 31

Conference: SAS Global Forum
*Affiliation: Kennesaw State University
May 2020

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


They didn’t poll me. They don’t know my age, sex, or location.


Didn’t poll me either. But it’s just interesting to read.

I didn’t pick to play body type 1 toons. I think the gear looks better on 2. That apparently isn’t the norm according to this study.

It’s not the millions of us, obviously. And not since 2015 when they stopped posting sub numbers to draw any real conclusions

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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No. That part of the survey was about “gaming time spent on WoW”.
50-57 year olds spent the largest percent of their gaming time on WoW over other games.

The Mean Age for WoW players in this survey was 31, would be closer to what you’re looking for here, I think.


Sorry I was busy editing and didn’t catch

Phone posting fail

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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Sounds much more appropriate to expectations, too.

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Iunno, friend. I thought I was pretty nice when I was 31 and playing wow.



That was when you were 31.

I’m 31. Late stage millennials ubiquitously hate life.


Damn impressive. You took my hail-Mary dad joke, dancing precariously on the rim, and ended up dunking on it with even more apropos humor.

I’m 41. I thought I was a late stage millennial.


didn’t poll me either.

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Horde is for babies, confirmed. :baby:

Edit: Lol I also liked how gay folks cared about good-looking transmogs and looking unique more as well, checks out for me as a bi guy.


Most families kids are grown by then, means more WoW time.

At age 58+ grandparenting.


So basically people in the younger age brackets don’t care about this game at all.

Checks out lol.


That was so cool, thank you million for this! :star_struck:


Glad you liked it.

I went out on a limb with this being a hot button topic in the past, but I figured I would post it because it’s a trusted data site. And while a small sample size, it shines some light on us as a community.

I mean, I’m 43 and on the older end of the spectrum. Afterall, I was in Grad school when WoW was released when my RL friends who played in Vanilla were highschoolers.

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


In addition to the KSU Thesis paper (SAS did not do the study, they just hosted the conference where the study results by a KSU student were presented), there are some other statistical studies on WoW that might be of interest to people that like such studies.

Interplay Between Media And Player Engagement: A Study Of Media’s Effect On The World Of Warcraft Gaming Experience - 16-Oct-2023

How Passion for Playing World of Warcraft Predicts In-Game Social Capital, Loneliness, and Wellbeing - 15-Sep-2020

Who Are You When Playing WoW? - 29-Mar-2020 ← OP’s linked study

How World of Warcraft Can Get You a Job - 13-Apr-2017

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it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the answers are 14, none, basement :rofl:

Why do I relate to this so much?


That’s not really a lot.

I’m calling shenanigans. lol

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