Didn’t know about this data site

i’m a woman, 32, but i play both factions. i kinda am a boomer at heart though to be fair.

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Yea well that’s inaccurate and proves my point.
Also, you should stop projecting. We all know that’s your information.

I wish. I am almost 51, we don’t have basements in Arizona, and my wife keeps me occupied.

It’s true, I was mean when I was 31. I’m nicer now though.

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Yep. I was peak Call of Duty Shipment in your face shotguns only at 31

Now, I’m like. oooo, a new flying pet!


:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

Late stage would be 40 to 43 just saying

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My parents are turning 80. I consider myself Gen X as my siblings are all 50+

I relate to their music and interests better

:two: :zero: :two: :five:

Would it?

I came later in the generation.