Did you really just break another promise?

Change of code gets looked over at every dept inside Blizz & gets thumbs up

CFO looks at code… What does this mean???
CFO. Players want what?!?!?!? Heck no!
Patch revision gets denied because takes to long and does not match
ETA of main patch releases and would branch a new fork in code.

The level of oppression doesn’t matter. There will always be someone who turns at the oppressors feet, to the crowd behind them, and say we’ve asked for too much, and we’re crying too often.

The idea that anyone in WoW has been handed anything is borderline absurd. Everything requires a disgusting amount of time and grind in order to do anything. I’d ask you to explain yourself but we all know what the truth is.

You’re hoping if you priase Blizzard enough they’ll throw you a bone.


Thunda Thunda Thunda !!!


Well if it is like the MT they’ll increased the requirements for everything the day they release it… undocumented of course.

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They didn’t promise not to tie power to the zone. They promised not to tie power to the cypher.

or did they forget to apply a nerf they previously applied in the original release?

because I remember tank challenge got nerfed by 10% about 2 weeks in or so.

cypher part of the zone. so…you run the zone anyway. Its jsut you won’t cypher bit it. you will ofc be doing what gets this.

Ion showing off those lawyer skills. I didn’t say you need this item. but you will be doing everything needed to get it anyway.

Same tactic he used for squish was keeping legion as is. you can run it like before. if you are 10/10 mythic geared in the fine print, ofc. Not how BFA to WoD worked…but yes, technically legion raid is still soloable.

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That’s not going to matter. Hell the world first raids cleared SoD without having their upgraded legendary items and barely any domination shards. Hell this time around you won’t even be able to “finish” the race until later as the fist two bosses won’t even be released at raid launch,.

Did you expect it be any different ? Unsub, vote with your wallet


I just find it funny they are tying these things more this expansion to arbitrary rep stuff or renown or whatever [mostly qol stuff]. Buy recipe… sure I get it even though it sucks doing it on alts… but being able to wear 2 legendaries. It’s like… you are just gonna peeve off the chunk of players that just want to jump into the content they like to do.

I donno, seems Blizz can’t just let people jump in, hoops-free, to enjoy what they created.

We are still in Beta guys relax when this expansion launches it will be fine :+1:


Blizzard mentioned that there would be no player power tied to the new zone.

What Blizzard failed to mention is that the 2nd Leg would be tied to earning Revered rep in the new zone.

Why didn’t they mention this fact?

Blizzard’s new low:

“Hey, did you guys love that Alpha of Shadowlands? Well, here’s the real expansion!”

10.0 flops.


Even if you ignore the video in question referring to Cyphers or the zone itself, that still leaves you at “we hear your feedback, so here is more of the exact same tired, uninspired, and lazy dogturd design!


Blizzard really has no idea how to actually innovate on content design ideas anymore, do they?

No brand new content build tests.
No totally out of left field attempts to redesign the current in game daily time gated grind.
Nothing of substance on the PTR yet.


Apparently, it is indeed okay… if you work for ABK.


There’s is a conduit upgrade system that requires exalted reputation. It is a power increase. Blizzard moved the goalpost themselves, not I.

Between you replying to posts the second they appear and your other responses in this thread, I am convinced you’ll keep this back and forth going forever if I keep replying you. So this’ll be the last one.


i’m not sure what was a bigger disappointment bf2042 or shadowlands.

Can you at least follow and stay with Battlefield 2042’s story?

There’s your answer.

The biggest problem at Blizzard has been the devs having a too big to fail ego problem with pushing their ideas on the player base regardless of if the players enjoy the systems, lore, or gameplay.

“You think you do but you dont.”

“Dont you guys have phones?”

The community council doesn’t solve the problem of dev’s not caring what the player base has to say. It does no good to give somebody a bullhorn if the person theyre trying to talk to puts in earplugs.