Did you really just break another promise?

So I just watched the video. There’s no broken promise. The Cypher can probably be ignored by raiders. That’s what it says. Listen to the interview. The entire beginning talks about the Creation Catalyst or whatever it was and how it’s linked to player power. Rep and the CC aren’t part of the Cypher. So I don’t understand where this whole “you broke your promise” is coming from.

I’m not even reading anything in the Wowhead notes about a promise.


Off topic but when did becoming a casual mean someone who doesn’t raid at all? It used to mean someone who preferred to pug instead of joining a guild.

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Instead of pointing out the obvious again, I’m just going to keep this simple.

There are far better games out there that actually respect and appreciate their players/customers. You would be wise to invest your time and money into other companies that don’t keep repeating the same mistakes… while lying to your face about it.


There are lots of different types of casuals.

looking at your profile you either invested alot of time to farm the gold or invested alot of money(in token) cause you clearly bough a full mythic clear of castle and SOD

which i find quite ironic readin the coment ngl

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To me casual gamer has been more about time commitment to a game than anything else. I have been playing WoW casually lately as I just get in about an hour at most every few days. It doesn’t really say much about my skill, all it says is I either don’t have the time or don’t want to put the time in. Other things in life have priorty.


Right, they technically didnt lie. Saying that this system is only for players who like the exploration and that you dont have to interact with it, implies that you dont have to play in this zone at all if you dont consider it fun, even though he technically didnt say it that way.
Its not a good look to just technically not be lying to your customers, especially since there mustve been a whole lot of people (me included) who rejoiced at the though of not having to do repetetive, boring daily quests and jump through their arbitrary hoops again.

So yeah, its just the same as Korthia or rather its way worse since the second legendary is a way bigger upgrade than some sockets. So its a whole lot more annoying, but hey, at least they technically didnt lie.


No, it doesn’t imply that at all.

No one lied.

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It’s depressing how often any criticism expressed here is met with “yOu JuSt WaNt ThInGs hAnDeD tO yOu!”


This isn’t criticism. It’s straight up twisting things into something else and being angry about stuff that never happened.


The reaction that “people are lazy” is so puzzling to me. This game is literally dwindling away in front of us due to design decisions like this. Being a contrarian might make you feel unique, but it wont keep people around.

Allowing easier access to end game for people that have a lot of alts however, is something that would keep more people around.


If we can get rep in m+ or the raid, that’s one thing, but putting player power behind a timegated snooze fest is just too much

It matters because people are tired of the same ole lets lock stuff behind a pointless grind just to try and keep people busy.

Who ever is in charge of the analytics probably should look for another job. I don’t know that they are reading them correctly :wink:

The reality is they have already planned this in order to try and keep their player base busy for the next year. Sadly, they aren’t reading the room correctly because they think their player base will stick around like they have in the past.


I don’t understand. This has existed since Vanilla.


Players: “In Section 2, Paragraph 5 of your formal statement dated Monthtember 5th, you asserted–”
Blizzard: “New phone, who dis?”


I’m not sure what you do not understand, but I’ll try to clear it up for you. Just because pointless grinds have existed since Vanilla doesn’t mean that the people playing the game today want to do to continue to do them. To me, the game makers are just taking the easiest path they can when creating content. Just make a grind… there, work done. No thought or creativity needed.


true but I suppose the difference is now its a separate timegated grind for everything and you need to essentially do it all over again each patch, not even each expansion.

Then once you have done them and a new patch comes out, its all pretty much for nothing.

Rep grinds quite frankly suck hairy a#$ crack IMO as you get almost nothing until you get to the end.

I have no issues with things like the box of many things and stuff like that as you get something as you progress. Rep grinds are just mindless no fun bullcrap.

Yes they have been there since vanilla, but that doesnt mean people have to enjoy doing it over and over again.


OP speaking to Blizzard as if they are in some sort of long-term intimate relationship.

What do you GIVE Blizzard? $15.

So, relax.

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Don’t come in here with your common sense and actually explain how MMOs are generally supposed to work!

No! Because we’re in…


The OP isn’t the point. The repetitive claim I responded to is.