Did you like trolls before or after the Zandalari?

I be flippin’ out with my Troll Hunter long before dem Zandalari be around :wink:

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They arent all purely identical in these aspect, they have other features.

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I like both, I have a toon of each


My first character and main from BC through MoP was a troll, and they are one of my most rolled alt races.

Missing out on the Darkspear Revolution because RL drove me to leave the game mid-MoP for a few years is still my biggest regret in this game.

Vol’jin is forever my warchief.

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I’ve loved trolls, ad I thought the men were hot since I started.

Zandalari are what finally got me to go Horde. Talanji is still my favorite horde leader and I wish we saw more of her.

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Trolls are and were always great no matter the tribe.

But at heart I am a Darkspear girl.


I loved the Zandalari storyline in bfa, but as far as trolls go, I favor the darkspear. My shaman is a darkspear. And the only reason she isn’t my main is well… she’s a shaman. But one day shaman will be on top and that will be her day to shine.

The character of Bwomsomdi really sold bfa for me.

King Rastakhan and Talanji are great as a drama/trajedy story, but Bwomsomdi really brought the levity while also being someone that you should take seriously (not a lot of characters can pull off both)

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I find myself thinking about how much a contribution each race has in influencing the future direction of Horde culture.

The Darkspear come across like one little island village, a quirky oddity at the edge of orcish territory that could easily find itself fully assimilated in the surrounding orcish society if it wasn’t careful; while the Zandalari were a fully empire (even if it was on the decline) merging into the Horde as an equal, if not possibly even the dominant partner,

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Yet time and time again The Darkspear are the voice of Honor and Reason in the Horde. Rokan, Vol’jin and even Zekhan in BFA. So don’t discount them.

(Mind you I love the Zandalari too!)

The Zandalari are cool, but I like the Darkspear better.

I Like the Darkspear. Was liking the Zandalari after BFA but then I played the Pandaria remix and relearned the Zandalari were responsible for reviving the Thunder King. Put a bad mark on their race