Did you like trolls before or after the Zandalari?

I always liked the Darkspear, once they became available for druid I immediately swapped back in Cata. The culture and story really hooked me in and while I wish Vol’jin was given the respectful story he deserved, and got to stay as Warchief for at least a decade, I still love Troll lore and the blemishes it comes with.

Adding in the Zandalari was just awesome! Loved BFA for it and still go to Dazar’alor for fun and Jani “hek hek hek hek hek!”

Also, how could I dare forget Bwonsamdi, the BEST character ever in WoW, hands down.

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I really like the troll accent and OG starting zone and overal theme. The character model art with the tusks is very nice too.

The only thing I never liked on them was the posture. And not even so much the look of the character model but the way cloaks always look with the troll posture.

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I liked the Zandalari back in Mists but the one we got in BFA wasn’t what I imagined them to be. They just come across so bland and uninspiring and lack that bit of grit they had back in Mists.

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After Zandalari. Rastakhan got me :biting_lip:


I never liked any trolls, they should be exterminated :smiley:

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I liked them before and like them more after.

I had a max level troll mage in Wrath then a max level troll monk in Legion.

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Not a horde player at all. ( I tried but hated the cities so much compared to Alliance) but trolls are pretty cool. I was a troll druid for a bit. Haven’t played as a zandalari yet. I need to get past my disdain for horde cities looking awful to unlock them.

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They had the unfortunate circumstance of being added when the creators were influenced by the movie Black Panther. Now, Black Panther is a good, fun movie, but the influence turned the Zandalari into wannabes. They had a cool Aztec style theme going on, but suddenly it’s “Zandala fo-evah!” like a Wish dot com version of Black Panther.

Imagine if the Worgen were released around the time a Wolverine movie had released and they suddenly had retractable claws that went snikt! and called everyone “Bub” in a Canadian accent?

I know WoW has always had pop culture references scattered about, but sometimes it ruins things.

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I played darkspear before. My shaman is one. And one of my old Rogues before I made a new Rogue when Vulpera were out.

I’d play Zandalari more but all their faces look the same to me and it annoys me.

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The race of trolls is a wasted one.

In each expansion there are one or more troll characters that stand out from all the others characters.

And they end up dying because of stupid things.

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I’m an almost-exclusively Alliance player, so I never played either flavor of troll very much. However, I was always fascinated by the Zandalari specifically. My main since vanilla has been a (human) Paladin. Back then, Horde didn’t have Paladins at all, and it was one of the distinguishing differences between the two factions. So when the Zul’Gurub raid came out (requiring a class set for every class) I was super caught up in the Paladin set armor, the “Freethinker” set.

This was Paladin armor, crafted by trolls, and with an implication of a longer history and lore behind it. It wasn’t just randomly put together by the trolls in that instant, it was part of their distant cultural past. Even though modern trolls couldn’t be Paladins, there were trolls in the past who WERE, or at least a close equivalent. There were so many neat lore hooks with this. The fact that it was called the “Freethinker” armor implied that, even when those troll Paladins existed, they were probably outside the shamanic/shadow-priestly cultural norm of the broader troll society. I wondered if there was a story there, if those Freethinkers had different cultural beliefs or practices from other trolls, what happened to them, etc.

When we actually got access to Zandalari (and Zandalari Paladins) in BFA, I was really stoked about it, even if maybe they didn’t flesh out their cultural differences like I would have liked them to.


Love the Zandalari. But my first 60 in 2005 was a troll hunter named Shakey. They were the thin, hunched, second children to the Hordes Orcs. And i identified with them almost wholly.

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I like the Darkspear Trolls, Zandalari are too uppity. I wish there were more faces to choose from, paint and hair options are awesome though.

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I always wanted s face option called “thunder” for Zandalari that used the face mold from mop.

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Zanda stand up straight. I can’t play the hunched races, despite how I feel about them in lore.

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I can’t stand the hunchback toons. It’s really odd to see 4 horde races have hunchbacks–Orcs, Trolls, Undead, and Taurens. Why, just why???

I prefer Zandalari, because it actually stand straight.


Monster races dont follow human appearance norms I guess.

It also makes them feel more unique.

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I made a zandalari paladin as soon as I could. Love those guys. In anticipation for the darkspear heritage I leveled a troll warrior last year. Man I really slept on thise guys for far too long. They’re cool as hell. They have so much personality in their animations. I do with they were a bit bulkier though.


I plan to make a thread asking for amani and drakkari trolls. Which are buffer trolls.

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4 races have hunchbacks, there’s nothing unique about it.

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