Did you know you can ignore people on forums?

Neither did it for me those several months :rofl:

dribbling is a little bit gross, but when someone double dribbles, thats absolutely foul!

Time to break out the towels and clean the shiny wooden floor!

a bit more on topic - have they made it easier to ignore people who have their profile hidden or does one still have to do the convoluted hoop jumping to manually block them? And im guessing account wide ignore hasnt been implemented yet? so bad actors can click 3 buttons and be back in full view within 10 seconds?

Funny thing is my ā€œignoreā€ list as it is is empty. Pretty much every ā€œargumentā€ i have had with soemone else their takes were so off the rails i couldnt actually take them serious. Some of the things people have said on this forum are so hilarious. Imagining that a breathing living thing actually conceived these thoughts then deemed them good to share them with the planet


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen you hostile. :dracthyr_heart:

I literally explained it to you. Do I need to do it again? Because you ignored everything I said.

But you do you.

Thatā€™s the whole thing I donā€™t mind others opinions,that why I come here to see other windows of mind than mine,but insults normal I draw a line and the God button help easy a chaotic world just a little bit.

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Another cool feature not many people know about, you can post pictures if you type (picture) (picture) with your image link in between.

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People tend to do this when they disagree and donā€™t have anything to backup their opinions with.

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I do believe thereā€™s more to it many different views and the inability to communicate a meaning in words,i seen this happen with a family member due to a violent fight that cause a brain injury but that is a rarity,yet , a good example .throwing insults was the only way she knew how to get that point across.I donā€™t think everyone is like that but more than likely it is a socially learned.

That might be an extreme example, but I see insults thrown around every day on these forums.

I seen it too but you have to agree some are just so bad and demeaning they are on the verge of being report while other are lite and questionable.

True but these are really just as insulting, even if they are more veiled.

I think youā€™re funny. Definitely not referring to you when making the post. Lol

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Yeah I use it for blizzbots clapping like seals for every bad decision. Being a shill is just a new form of trolling these days, trolls go on ignore and are not fed

------instructions on blocking hidden profiles------

Oh!!! Also a tip, alot of shills hide their public profile so right click your character icon in the upper right, then go to " open in new tab" in the new page you select

preferences in first Dropbox ā€“ users in second Dropbox

Then click ā€œ+addā€ under ignore, usually typing the first 3 letters enough to get the trollā€™s profile picture to pop up, just click that and add as much ignore time as you want.

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Thanks for the tips!

Iā€™m chuckling because in just glancing through the thread Iā€™m seeing multiple instances of ā€˜view 1 hidden replyā€™ā€¦ :joy:

Yes, it is indeed a great feature and the only thing making this forum tolerable.



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Since when did being toxic and being helpful become mutually exclusive? Someone can be toxic one minute and helpful the next. It all depends on who im talking to and the context of the conversation. If you make a post about how youā€™re quitting WoW and say ā€œ(your name) outā€ā€¦ yea iā€™m gonna call you out for being self-important like anybody is going to notice your absence. Lol. If I find out something I think is helpful and others might find helpful too then why not share said info?

One might say that youā€™re toxic for going through my post history and leaving out context just to try to prove your point but ofc people like yourself donā€™t have the capacity for self relfection so I digress. Have a great day.

I didnā€™t have anything insightful to add I just wanted to be the 100th comment in this thread


You are a huge baiter on this forum. All over this thread. Speaking of ignoreā€¦


Are they an expert at baiting? Aā€¦ master baiter, if you willā€¦ xD