Did you know you can ignore people on forums?

Conversation, debate, argument… whichever word you prefer and think works!

I don’t really care what people do. Being a snitch is on the level of being a cheater(in a relationship) and traitor.
Duplicitous lack of character that I can only put into the word despicable with the limits this place has.

Well,after awhile that person becomes a nuisance with the same ridiculing you just turn them off knowing an debate with a wall ,with constancy of insults and dumbing down your mentality you can’t help but place them on para -ignore since you are with others also sharing ideas and insights , This doesn’t mean your not listening it just means you just saved your sanity.

dont break the law and you won’t have any problems.

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I tend not to be okay with people like the OP, who insult while being helpful and then also say stuff like this to others:


Oh ok lol

I was wondering if I accidentally came off as hostile or something there

Being a snitch is lower than most crimes we have on the books. Hiding behind a powerful institution rather than handling it your own ways.

is illegal.

hmm, seems it isn’t snitching on your neighbor to authorities for the sake of power with no good intent is pretty bad .

Wait I can??? But then how will I troll them if we cant see one another???

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dont do nothing illegal and there won’t be any problems then.

I didn’t but others did regardless of the person circumstances ,those fines could have been in the thousands if they didn’t know being disable you can’t cut the lawn when the rain was just yesterday.

After you’ve been on the forums for as long as I have, you will inevitably recognize the modus operandi of certain “concern trolls” or “bait posters” or even people who aren’t either but keep posting the same thread week after week.

As a result, I have a number of people on my ignore list. I just wish that it also hid their threads from me on the main thread title list.


That’s the best I can do at cleaning up your virtue signalling moment, I’ve got better things to do.
It is okay to block people even if you yourself have unsavoury comments. Equality for everyone :rainbow_flag:


There is no reason to ignore anyone really.

Trust me you do,even i had to several times on it,yes you were that bad.

You saying you ignored me?

Either way, no one ever needs to be ignored.

LOL,yep for several months but you never knew.

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It doesn’t even bother me, because ignoring doesn’t help anything.

Most people ignore because they disagree with someone’s opinion.

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