Did you know you can ignore people on forums?

What do you mean by this? All I see is View Activity and View Profile buttons when I click your name.

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Only predators out there are cougars

Man Im like tired today cuz I don’t know why I just stuck on the one who claimed it about themselves

There was that draenei shaman from like before the forums rework who basically had the other person post the battle net chatlog as well, I wish I could remember their name but like was pre SL

I mean my DK was a gnome when I was alliance

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You can also ignore users whose profile is hidden. Click your icon at the upper right top of the page, select preferences, then users and you can manually type in their name and select the length of the ignore.

Oh I see,and you posted the person name and everything to prove the point.I take it to confirm this person was inappropriate.

I mean it was years ago man, I wasn’t gunna save a persons name and pictures this whole time just incase I needed to prove it later

They’re either gone by now, or just play on a different character

This thread started with a toxic post, got chill because people ignored it and then it just got weird… :eyes:

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Isn’t that what normally happens LOL.


what is toxic about blocking people who are toxic?


I’d like for you to point out where I said that.

I haven’t the slightest idea of what you mean by weird

right here I think

Arguing over whether or not someone was a SP of underage people was kinda weird. lol

That’s not what that says at all. LOL

Information on how to block someone isn’t toxic. Describing people the OP disagrees with or probably had an argument with like this…

… is toxic.

I don’t really know anyone that thinks it’s okay to call others who can’t defend themselves or that we have no context of “insufferable” or their comments “drivel.”


Edit to add that this is the OP, also:

Toxicity in all its glory from the person claiming to be “helpful,” while also insulting people.


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Can we get a confirmation that it began as a toxic post so it can be claimed Inappropriate?

Don’t do no good.

People just alt hop.

See above explanation for my opinion.

Yes and you can also ignore a hidden profile by manually going to your preferences → users → copy/paste their charname/server.

Also I’d advice people to just ignore and don’t advertise that you’re ignoring someone. Ignoring/muting is for your own peace and advertising just feels like someone trying to get in a low blow lmao


don’t do nothing wrong and people won’t have any reason to report your behavior. both irl and in game.


Wait the other guy and I were arguing?