Did you guys like the new Lord of the Rings show?

I didn’t find it to be all that great.


You don’t say? I didn’t think any wow player would like it to be honest with you. Same goes for She-hulk I bet.


well, LotR heavily influenced gamers to play WoW, well it did me
i would think the same for the new series? (if it’s good lol)


She Hulk is a blast and I’m pleasantly surprised with Rings of Power.


It’s out already? Hmm. May check it out. Though honestly, the story of how Sauron came to power I feel would be a great show on the trials and path of just vile evil and manipulation to overthrow his evil overlord would be a nice change of pace.

She-Hulk is hit or miss for me. Playing too safe while wanting to take the risks but stepping from those risks cause the over all name brand attached to it, at least it is self aware and pokes fun at itself from time to time.

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No one liked that. However the new GoT is surprisingly good.


The first episode had some hilariously bad moments in it.
Episode 2 was much better.

Rings of Power is pretty good so far, it only just started though. If they put in more action I think it’ll be a solid show.


I do not have Prime, so I haven’t seen it. I am not in any hurry TO see it, but I can’t actually judge if it’s decent or not until I do.

Naw, my dumb self only has a Netflix sub, and I am even considering giving that up since there are basically only three shows I watch that are still current on there. One is ending next season, one is renewed to season 7, and one just got it’s first season but has yet to be renewed. Seriously considering just cancelling and subbing for month when they come out.

But I digress. I wasn’t impressed with the trailers for the new Lord of the Rings show, but trailers can be deceptive. Eventually I might give it a go when Amazon gives me another free Prime trial, but until then I will pass.


You know, TNG shaped my morality but quit watching Star Trek when I saw how DS9’s announcement was received. And Ring Of Power is deja vu, I felt like when DS9 was announced in early 90s and majority of the people in that community said “there is something not right about this new Captain that we just can’t get behind” to which I said “oooooh, I see” and then immediately cut ties with everything Star Trek, now I just added LOTR to this list.

I can’t say I missing anything to be honest with you.


Haven’t seen it yet myself, might watch the first episode/take a peek later on

DS9 didn’t thrill me, but that’s probably because Babylon 5 was a thing and a much better space station show.


I haven’t seen it but I really want too. I loved those books back then and then the movies were cool, I wanna see more!

Watched the first Rings episode this morning. I liked it, but I’m going in assuming it’s just Tolkien fan fiction. It is inspired by the Silmarillion but that’s about it. Interesting so far.


I couldn’t get into it. I’d rather re-watch the original LOTR to be honest, at least that had that special something that was able to let me escape in that world.


You know, DS9 and Babylon 5 had a lot in common. Even many of the characters seem to be 1:1 correlations.

But there’s one important difference…

DS9 had great actors and special effects that still hold up. Babylon 5 had community theater caliber actors and the special effects look like they were doodled up in Microsoft Paint. :slight_smile:

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Well, til the last season anyway. I LIKED the last season, but it was clear the pacing was thrown off a little since they had tried to wrap everything up in the prior one. Not their fault though. Network kept screwing them over.

Though I suppose season 5 gave me lots of Bester, and I will always appreciate it for that. :slight_smile:

didnt watch it dont really care for lord of the rings. more of a star wars fan myself.

Rings of Power sucks. Not enough meaningful scenes.

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What didn’t you like?

Show just started and expecting everything /eyeroll