Nah I’m playing a lock, but go ahead still think they are the worst when holy priests exists.
Yup even still. Holy priests can do a paladins job while also having raid heals in an instant. Also, priests are probably the best healer in the game for pvp and paladins are still the worst so idk what to tell you. Sounds like you don’t know tbc very well.
Good post troll
Data is on my side man lol. Even the top raid comps only bring a single holy paladin lol
Literally the most popular bracket in WoW history, and has some of the most interesting and unique (not saying balanced) PVP in Arena.
Soo, I think quite a lot of people actually care about 2v2. Really the only people who don’t like 2’s are those who’re bad at it.
You mean the data I countered showed you that you were wrong and your only excuse was “they must be rets” or my favorite “look at 2vs2” when we’re talking about 3s XD
So popular it got nerfed and was pointless after
2’s got ruined because of DK’s not because it was a bad bracket to begin with.
2’s was also actually reasonably balanced in Cata, MoP and even WoD.
Yeah the data of a server when the 11th top team is 1500 with a 0-0 rating? Do you understand how data works man LOL.
“Guys I found a server and the highest rated team is 3 holy Paladins… well they are the only team on the ladder but look how OP Paladins are!”
There’s no way you aren’t trolling right now
Double blood dk, never forget
What are you talking about lol? the top pserver one I was talking about the top was 1750 and there’s no one with 0 rating XD in the top active.
You do release those 0 played games with a 1500 rating means you start out at 1500 on that server dude XD. Which means NO ACTUAL PVPER PLAYS on trash pservers.
Still in denial look at the old wow website arena ratings
I think it’s fair to say that Horde objectively have the better PvP racials. That’s not to say Alliance doesn’t have good racials (they do), but the Alliance racials are way more situational and niche, whereas Horde racials are good in just about every scenario and team comp match up.
Omg your data is worse than I thought I thought you meant the pserver.
Wait a minute, are you actually gauging how good holy Paladins are from teams in 2007? This has to be a joke.
And you think yours is? Dude smolderforge doesn’t show 3s and the solo 3s…yea ok love how there’s people with 300+ games played and 0 losses XD.
Oh and that endless HAS 4 HOLY PALADINS IN THE TOP 10. Guess how many priests in the top 10 on endless…2. In fact there’s only 5 priests in the top 20…like you just proved me right thank you
So cough where’s your data dude, prove me wrong. Your data doesn’t even back up your own damn claims.
Oh right I remember you now, you’re that guy who claims to be a Glad player. Guess I’m gonna have to take your word for it even though your own data proves you wrong.
Dk comps in WRATH, it’s how you get cancer.
Nah WoW pvp has always been boring af to watch. There’s literally no skill shots or anything and barely any outplay.
I literally just said look at smolder for 2v2 Einstein.
Those are all rets are you seriously that effing clueless man LOL.
You know what? I’m done feeding you and giving you the benefit of the doubt to just have a conversation.
You want to know the most important data? It’s me. I’m the one telling you what’s best. You clearly don’t know tbc even remotely close calling holy Paladins one of the best healers, I wanted to play nice and let you explain why but now it’s just getting silly.
This is like someone calling resto druids the best healers of vanilla. It’s so dumb I can’t even quite understand if the person is playing the same game as me or if they have a condition.
Holy Paladins will be bottom of the barrel healers in dungeons, bottom of the barrel for pvp, and only one sympathy holy Paladin will be brought to raids in most groups so they can spam one heal on a tank.
Post all the data of server with only 10 teams you want. It’s not going to change what’s going to happen.
If you want to believe Paladins are great, you go for it sweetheart you roll with those Paladins! Makes my games easier lol
Even just watching what happens on the beta atm shows paladins weakness. And arguably this should be their strongest season with low res.
Edit: There was one comp I saw that looked ok and that was pompyro mage and shockadin.
Holy Paladins were really not that great in TBC outside of tank healing. Not sure how many people need to say it.
Almost every team had a priest.