Check their specs. You are seeing ret paladins man lol
You realize you cant check on pservers right lol, even then you honestly think rets are in the top 10?
Lol dude get out
Give me a hint on what server you are talking about and I’ll walk you through how to see their specs. You can for sure tell.
google tbc arena ladder, first result on atlantis
also that actual tbc ladder had a rank 1 holy paladin Kuchi with a 2,460 rating
Lol ok this one is extremely broken top 11 team is literally 0-0 LOL. And only one team isn’t with a shaman which anyone who plays tbc knows when theres a ret paladin…theres a resto shaman. That’s how it works.
Go look at endless. Or smolderforge for 2v2
Resilience is also a big factor in cheat death, it’s the only talent I know of that depends on it in terms of it being a direct component of the calculation of the actual talent.
Lol you’re completely wrong. Any paladin playing in the top 10 on pservers is ret. At 1 point 4/10 teams on endless was rsham/ret. Hpal is just not good in tbc… the spec has a low skill cap you cant do anything besides stand in the back and heal, which is even worse. Rsham for instance have strong dmg offensive dispells and shocks/ground/tremor.
^^^ Bingo, Paladin just out of the box kinda sucks until you pick up some of the deep talents. Trouble is, they could have been good if stuff like Crusaders Strike, holy shield, holy shock and repentance were base abilities. The fact that they have to get a deep ret talent to avoid their seals being purged instantly is a real issue, and their healing is kinda lame to be honest, sure it pumps if you leave em alone, but they really needed a HOT bad, and all the other healers got new tools in TBC, Paladin really didn’t get anything… hell they even got nerfed, its a rough life for that spec.
You must have missed no one gives a flip about 2vs2 and btw even then druid/warrior would be a better 2s team
Just stop, man. You’re painfully wrong. Hpals aren’t particularly viable in 2vs2 or 3vs3 and Ret isn’t much better. Disc priests are the absolute best healer in TBC by a mile with Rdruids being as strong, if not stronger, in 2vs2 but weaker in everything else. Rshaman are niche but are generally going to struggle. Hpals are just non-existent in the meta.
10/10 - Disc
9/10 - Rdruid
5/10 - Rshaman
2/10 - Hpal
Doesn’t matter if its 2v2 or 3v3 its still the same concept. Holy paladin are the worst healers in pve and pvp in tbc there is no discussion around it.
H paladins are so bad in TBC yet theres a rank 1 with 2.4k rating? LOL ok kid
Lol did you just say the best tank healer is bad at pve healing in TBC? did I just read that correctly cause they just made you look stupid.
Yes. They make serviceable tank healers in raid. I wouldn’t step foot into 2vs2 with an Hpal though. I would rather have a Spriest heal me in 2vs2 out of shadowform than an Hpal. I would rather have an Elemental shaman heal me in 2vs2 than an Hpal. I would far prefer have a Dreamstate druid heal me in 2vs2 than an Hpal.
That pretty much sums it up then no wonder you will never get past 1.5k rating XD
Says the guy that has never been past 1.5k rating himself.
See? I can generalize without knowing anything about you also.
Yes I did just say that because I understand tbc lol. They are still brought to raids, but mostly for their buffs. If holy paladins didn’t have buffs, they wouldn’t be brought to raid. Any of the healers available can do their job while also filling other roles at the same time.
I don’t go trashing one of the best specs in an expansion, thats the difference XD. You have to be very bad at this game to call a spec bad when it’s already a rank 1 spec.
But hey go ahead and get those heals from an ele shaman I’m sure you’ll get far in arena
Dude lol, god that is the dumbest crap I’ve seen anyone say on this forum in a long time. But again you honestly thought that arena tourney was good so damn that says a lot about anything you claim to know.
Dude why are you so blind when it comes to holy paladins LOL are you playing one? Is your friend playing one?
They are the WORST HEALER in tbc full stop